To get a little bit more confidence in this coin back:
Here is my Configuration:
Cold wallet installation with Linux VPS (Ubuntu 16.04) and Windows wallet v0.12.1.7
I cant’t say anything about different configurations. Hopefully, there are others that can help with that.
Up to now, the MNs are running. Sometimes I get the WACHDOG_EXPIRED, but it disappears again.
Here is what I did:
1. Masternode VPS setup guide Cold Node Masternode setup guide : file locations: vivo-cli, vivod: /root/vivo/src
data-dir (vivo.conf, blocks, chainstate, mnpayments..dat,...): /root/.vivocore
3. Added current nodes from my vivo.conf (in /root/.vivocore/vivo.conf on VPS)
and startet sync: /root/vivo/src/vivod –daemon -reindex
4. Followed the sentinel guide: file locations of sentinel files: /root/.vivocore/sentinel
After Step 3 complete, running:
cd /root/.vivocore/sentinel
venv/bin/python bin/
5. Get the mnchecker script: of mncheker script: /root
6. Crontab –e
my crontab looks like this:
*/30 * * * * cd /root && ./mnchecker --currency-handle="vivo" --currency-bin-cli="/root/vivo_new/src/vivo-cli" --currency-bin-daemon="/root/vivo_new/src /vivod" --currency-datadir="/root/.vivocore/" >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * cd /root/.vivocore/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/ 2>&1 >> sentinel-cron.log
7. After Step 4 complete, start MN on (Windows) wallet.