Так LPOS это возможность занимать волны для POS. Т.е. своеобразные пулы. Для этого и одной монеты хватит. А для POS нужно минимум 10к Waves
откуда данные про pos и 10к waves ? и каков процент или условия pos будут?
Из их слака. Про процент вроде не писали, но несколько месяцев назад Саша в интервью говорил про около 5% в месяц
Я слышал нужно 100к для фул ноды и POS (24/7 лаптоп), остальные будут отдавать им в аренду (LPOS). Сышал про доход ~$5k в месяц с такой ноды и 100к волн на борту. Если я ничего не путаю то можно подсчитать заложенную в POS цену волн исходя из данности, что доход должен быть около 5% в месяц: $5000/5*100% = $100000 стоят W100000. Тогда 1 Waves = $1. Текущая цена $0,32. Вывод: ждем x3 к моменту выхода LPOS.
Вот текст из
Proof-of-Stake consensus and stake leasing.We have chosen the Proof-of-Stake protocol as a consensus algorithm for WAVES. This choice is based on its successful use in NXT, as well as on certain theoretical considerations.
At the same time we propose an enhancement to the PoS protocol, which should provide for reduced transaction times and increased transaction throughput – Leased PoS (LPoS).
In a PoS system each node that holds a balance in the main network token has a chance (proportional to its balance) to produce a block. In the two-tier architecture it is logical to move payment processing onto the full nodes alone. At the same time, all nodes with non-zero balances still have to be eligible for staking rewards.
The theoretical issue of reduced security caused by fewer nodes staking can be addressed through explicit balance leasing from lightweight nodes to full nodes. By leasing their balance to a trusted full node a lightweight node actually increases its chance of collecting
transaction fees, since it does not have to stay online, and the full node has an increased chance of producing a block due to its increased balance.
Account leasing is not equivalent to balance transfer; a lightweight node can still transfer its balance to another node and conduct
other operations. By leasing out their balance, lightweight nodes effectively select which full nodes will carry out most of the network's
payment processing. Reducing the number of nodes that can potentially produce blocks allows for faster confirmation
times, lower latency, and a higher system throughput.
Отличие от POS пула в последнем абзаце.