Those are independent coin community pools not associated with the multipool. For the multipool, we only mine coins that maximize profitability using a custom analysis of our own. We balance volume with difficulty and the current hash of the mulitipool to determine the coin we mine. Using this custom developed formula (especially while the WC multipool's hash is below 1 GH), the best coin to mine does not change as often as the list on coinwarz.
We also use trade guidance as to when we perform our buys, and pass these profits along to the customer. For example last night, we executed our buys well before the pump, and paid out to our customers while the price was still much higher than they had mined at.
Once the WC multipool reaches 1 GH, we'll have the ability to divide the hash across many coins, at that point you'll see a much larger roster of coins added very quickly. Hope that clears things up!
Ok thanks for clearing that part up about them not being on the multipool. What coins were you mining on the multi pool last night? just so I can do do my own calculations, cheers.
No problem, last night we were mining potcoin. Our front end lists all of our community coins (1% fee standard mining pools as well as the "portfolio diversifying" chunkyport). The direct link to displays the actual coin we are mining on the multipool. We would like to be on Doge right now but would need at least another 1-200MH on the multipool for it to actually be profitable for the miners on a daily basis (block times become too high for the tastes of most of our miners otherwise). We'd actually be really interested in your findings, as we are constantly trying to improve our metrics and processes. You can send them to us via PM here or directly to mculp or mogonzo.
Just a note for your evaluation, there are trading factors in play as well, including network transfer times in alts and BTC, as well as withdraw and deposit turnaround times at exchanges. Some multipools buy ahead of the market to maximize profits (therefore taking an "invisible" chunk of the miner's profits as well), this gives the appearance of live trading when in fact it can be days and weeks between their buys. Or, they may have an existing deep wallet reserve to dive into... which in the end negates the purpose of a multipool.
Chunky doesn't do that, we actually buy our payouts daily, which does impact the speed of the process... but it has the advantage of meeting the actual goal of a multipool. No shots intended at the competing WC pools, as of course we don't know how they operate their buys.
This is actually quite compelling, thank you for this. I'll forward this to the trade team immediately. Our X-11 & SHA-256 ports were only just recently added, so the process for adding the coins we need listed there is ongoing. If you have any favourites (and especially reasons for them being your favs), we'd love to hear them!
Happy mining everyone!