"Meet White"-Blackcoin CampaignWe at Whitecoin don't like the problems with Blackcoin (drop of over 50% in value) any more than you do, we now offer you an exit plan... sell Blackcoin, buy Whitecoin and you will receive 5% extra on your btc investment.
To reduce the risk of moving to WhiteCoin and to emphasize our confidence in the future value of WhiteCoin we are putting forward a "meet black" promotion which will compensate BC coin sellers an additional 5% of their BTC investment in WC.
This promotion is designed to encourage BC holders to join #whitecoinpool on IRC, r/whitecoin and get to know the guys behind Whitecoin, see what makes the Whitecoin community so special.
There is no catch.
The only requirement is that you hold your WhiteCoin for 14 days. After holding BC 14 days, you will be paid 5% of your BTC investment and may then either continue to hold your WhiteCoin or sell and try out other coins.
To be eligible for this promotion, you will need to show screenshots of the actual sell and buy transactions, the transactions need to be within 3 hours of each other, this window will provide an adequate time frame to sell as high as possible and buy into Blackcoin at a reasonable price. You will need to show a transaction id for the transaction of Whitecoin to your wallet and the Whitecoin wallet address. We require that you keep the purchased Whitecoins in your wallet for at least 14 days. (and we of course recommend staking for that 1%/year interest rate).
This promotion will be limited to a minimum quantity of 1 BTC of BC sold and WC Bought. This promotion is limited to a max of 400 BTC of bought Whitecoins. This offer expires on midnight GMT April 30th.
Send an email to
[email protected] with the documentation of the transactions and add your BTC address in the email.
PS this email doesnt exist and there will be no 5% return of investment.