
Topic: [ANN] [XDAG] New Community-based Cryptocurrency - First Mineable DAG ! - page 3. (Read 75169 times)

jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Minutes of XDAG Community Regular Meeting (No.22)

On February 25, 2023, 21:30 pm, the XDAG Community held its 22nd regular meeting, and the participants communicated about the recent development of the project.
I. Technical progress
1. The community has just released 0.5.5 public test version for nearly a week, the feedback channels of Discord and Github have not received any problem report, which reflects the stability of the version, the development work of meticulous;
2. Since the number of users involved in test net mining is relatively small, we need to further motivate the community to participate in test net mining in version 0.5.5, and subsequently plan to organize some test net mining competition promotion;
3. The development of a new cross-platform wallet is progressing smoothly, and the front-end UI development of the wallet has been completed, and the beta version will be launched as soon as possible;
4. Listing systematically the key issues in the process of upgrading the main net, reducing the impact of the upgrade on users as much as possible, and improve the convenience of operation.

II. Participants.
Holt, Jack, Swordlet, Bill, Cherry, Boom, iGod, Christopher, Dr.Wang

 XDAG Community
  February 27, 2022


Holt, Jack, Swordlet, Bill, Cherry, Boom, iGod, Christopher, Dr.Wang

jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
XDAG Version 0.5.5 Public Test Release Announcement

We are pleased to inform our community members that another major upgrade of XDAG Java (0.5.5) is almost ready, and we are inviting you to do a public test of XDAG version 0.5.5.
XDAG is a purely community driven project, and it is the joint commitment of all community members to ensure the success of this upgrade, so please participate actively in this public test.

I Essential Information
Time: February 19 - March 3 (UTC+0)
Test net data: Main net snapshot data on February 18
Main block height: 2464431
Test net browser:
Test net miner software download address:
Test net exclusive wallet download address:

Test net mining address:
Stratum XdagJ_TEST01:
Stratum XdagJ_TEST02:

II  Major Improvements
1. Address blocks removed. Creating a wallet no longer requires a linked mining pool.
2. Newly created wallets will conform to standards of BIP32 and BIP44.
3. Newly created wallets will support mnemonic phrase/recovery phrase.

III  Verification content
1. Balance, transfer and transaction history of wallet.
2. Export recovery phrase to backup wallet, import recovery phrase to restore wallet.
3. Block browser information display.
4. Regular mining and getting reward.

IV  Problem feedback channels
Discord Channel (XDAG 0.5.5 Test Net Issues):
XDAGj Github RP:
Wallet Github RP:
Mining Software Github RP:

V  Important reminder
1. Please strictly distinguish the test data from the main net data, never confuse them, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences
2. Only use the new wallets created from the test net to participate in this test.
3. Due to old wallet is non-compliant with the BIP32 and BIP44, the old wallet will not support the recovery phrase after being imported to the new wallet, and will not support receiving but only transferring out.
4. Test data will be deleted at the end of this test.

jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Good news!
XDAGj-native-randomX updated to V0.1.4 ,It support windows now!
Check it here:
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Great news:
XDAGj Native RandomX has been successfully published to the JAVA mvn repository. This is a JAVA sdk to use RandomX.
Thank our community dev!

XDAGj Native RandomX已成功发布到java maven中心仓库

Check it here:
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Minutes of XDAG Community Regular Meeting (20th)

At 21:30 on November 26, 2022, the XDAG Community Autonomy Team held its 20th regular meeting, where the participants discussed in depth the recent work of the community.
I. Development work
At present, we have basically completed the development of the code for the node side of the address block removal, and now we are starting to modify the new version of the wallet and mining software to sort out the impact of the address block removal;
2. Complete the split of XDAG node and mining pool part, is currently being tested, the subsequent mining pool owner will undertake part of the pool optimization work;
3. Complete the XDAG RandomX JAVA code base, which is the only RandomX Java version on Github, which helps to improve the exposure of XDAG.
4. The new version of the wallet and the mining software will be linked by RPC, at the same time, the wallet will deploy Recovery Phases.
Ⅱ. In-depth discussion on community sustainability strategy. Subsequently, a donation ratio of 2%~5% will be set in each block reward to maintain the annual operation of the community fund (minimum level), the specific donation ratio will be decided in the community Discord voting, please join the community Discord as soon as possible:

III. Participants: Holt, Jack, Punk, Swordlet, Bill, Dolphin, DR.Wang, Dimitri, iGod, Christopher

 XDAG Community Autonomy Team
  November 27, 2022


1.目前已基本完成去除地址块(address block)节点端的代码开发工作,现开始新版钱包和挖矿软件的同步修改工作,梳理去地址块的影响范围;
3.完成XDAG RandomX JAVA版本基础库,这也是当前Github全网唯一的RandomX Java版本,有助于提高XDAG的曝光度



Пpoтoкoл coбpaния cooбщecтвa XDAG (20-й)

в 21: 30 вeчepa 26 нoябpя 2022 гoдa,20 - e oчepeднoe зaceдaниe Гpyппы пo вoпpocaм oбщиннoгo caмoyпpaвлeния XDAG,Члeны oбщины, yчacтвoвaвшиe в Кoнфepeнции, пpoвeли yглyблeннoe oбcyждeниe paбoты, пpoдeлaннoй в пocлeднee вpeмя oбщинaми:

Ⅰ.Xoд paзpaбoтки
1.B нacтoящee вpeмя paзpaбoткa кoдa для yдaлeния yзлa aдpecныx блoкoв в ocнoвнoм зaвepшeнa.Teпepь мы нaчинaeм мoдифициpoвaть нoвyю вepcию бyмaжникa и пpoгpaммы кoпaния,пpoвepить эффeкт yдaлeния aдpecныx блoкoв
2.Зaвepшeниe paздeлeния yзлa XDAG c pyдникoм,B нacтoящee вpeмя тecтиpoвaниe,влaдeлeц пocлeдyющeгo бacceйнa бyдeт oтвeчaть зa oптимизaцию нeкoтopыx cxeм бacceйнa;
3.Зaвepшeниe ocнoвнoй библиoтeки вepcий XDAG RandomX Java,Этo тaкжe eдинcтвeннaя вepcия RandomX Java в Github,Этo пoмoжeт yвeличить экcпoзицию XDAG
4.Hoвый бyмaжник и пpoгpaммнoe oбecпeчeниe для кoпaния бyдyт paзмeщeны чepeз RPC - ccылкy,B тo жe вpeмя бyмaжник бyдeт выпoлнять фyнкции пoдcчётa cлoв

Ⅱ.yглyблeннoe oбcyждeниe cтpaтeгий ycтoйчивoгo paзвития oбщин.в paмкax пocлeдyющeй дeятeльнocти пo кaждoмy блoкy пooщpитeльныx выплaт бyдeт ycтaнaвливaтьcя дoля дoтaций в paзмepe 2 - 5% для пoддepжaния фyнкциoниpoвaния oбщинныx фoндoв (минимaльный ypoвeнь) в гoд;Кoнкpeтныe paзмepы пoжepтвoвaний бyдyт oпpeдeлeны в xoдe гoлocoвaния в oбщинe Discord, гдe любитeлям oбщин пpeдлaгaeтcя кaк мoжнo cкopee пpиcoeдинитьcя к Discord:

Ⅲ.yчacтник coбpaния

XDAG Community Autonomy Team
27 нoябpя 2022 гoдa

Le 26 novembre 2022 à 21h30, l’équipe autonomie de la communauté XDAG a tenu sa 20e réunion régulière, au cours de laquelle les participants ont discuté en profondeur des travaux récents de la communauté.

I. Travaux de développement

1. À l’heure actuelle, nous avons essentiellement terminé le développement du code pour le côté nœud de la suppression du bloc d’adresses, et nous commençons maintenant à modifier la nouvelle version du portefeuille et du logiciel de minage pour réduire l’impact du changement.
2. Compléter la division du nœud XDAG et de la partie pool minier, est actuellement en cours de test, le propriétaire du pool minier suivant entreprendra une partie du travail d’optimisation du pool ;
3. Compléter la base du code XDAG RandomX JAVA, qui est la seule version RandomX Java sur Github, ce qui contribue à améliorer l’exposition de XDAG.
4. La nouvelle version du portefeuille et le logiciel minier seront liés par RPC, en même temps, le portefeuille déploiera les phases de récupération.

Ⅱ. Discussion approfondie sur la stratégie de durabilité de la communauté.

Un ratio de don de 2%~5% sera fixé dans chaque récompense de bloc pour maintenir le fonctionnement annuel du fonds communautaire (niveau minimum), le ratio de don spécifique sera décidé dans le vote sur le Discord de la communauté, veuillez rejoindre le Discord de la communauté dès que possible afin de pouvoir voter :

III. Participants :

Holt, Jack, Punk, Swordlet, Bill, Dolphin, DR.Wang, Dimitri, iGod, Christopher

Équipe d’autonomie de la communauté XDAG
27 novembre 2022
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Our Andorid wallet has updated to 0.3.0 on Google Play, you can download it from Google Play now!
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Org pool( ) has upgrade to V 0.5.3.
miners will be more stable when mining.🚀🚀🚀

Join XDAG:
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Minutes of XDAG Community Regular Meeting (19th)

At 21:30 on the evening of October 29, 2022, XDAG Community Autonomy Team held its 19th regular meeting, and the participants had an in-depth discussion on the recent work of the Community.

I.XDAG (JAVA) mainnet operation
1. XDAG JAVA mainnet has been running stably for about 2 months, marking the successful completion of the mainnet switchover.
2. The number of XDAG nodes has been steadily increased, and the number of full nodes has been increased from 3 to 6. The number of nodes will continue to be expanded under the premise of ensuring the stability of the mainnet.

II. Development work
1. Clarify the subsequent development tasks and sequence.
a) Remove the address block and increase the transaction fee
b) Optimize the underlying network and remove the mainnet whitelist
c) Smart contract
2. Prepare the decoupling work between XDAG nodes and mining pools, which will be split into two projects for subsequent development
3. Continue to optimize the wallet, mining pool features and mining experience:
a) Continue to improve the stability of mining
b) Improve the accuracy of arithmetic statistics
c) development of mnemonic phrase wallets

Ⅲ. Community operation, French community members produced and released a number of articles tutorials and YouTube video mining instruction

Ⅳ. Participants: Holt, Jack, Swordlet, Bill, Dolphin, DR.Wang, iGod, Christopher

 XDAG Community Autonomy Team
  October 31, 2022

Пpoтoкoл coбpaния cooбщecтвa XDAG (19-й)

B 21:30 29 oктябpя 2022 гoдa Кoмaндa XDAG community Autonomy пpoвeлa cвoe 19-e oчepeднoe зaceдaниe, и yчacтники пpoвeли yглyблeннoe oбcyждeниe нeдaвнeй paбoты cooбщecтвa:

Ⅰ.cocтoяниe paбoты ocнoвнoй ceти XDAG (JAVA)

1.Ocнoвныe ceти XDAG JAVA фyнкциoниpyют cтaбильнo oкoлo двyx мecяцeв, чтo cвидeтeльcтвyeт oб ycпeшнoм пepexoдe к ocнoвнoй ceти;
2.Чиcлo yзлoв XDAG пocтoяннo pacтeт, и oбщee чиcлo yзлoв yвeличилocь c 3 дo 6, a зaтeм чиcлo yзлoв бyдeт пpoдoлжaть pacти пpи ycлoвии oбecпeчeния cтaбильнocти ceти.

Ⅱ.Xoд paзpaбoтки

1.Oпpeдeлeниe зaдaч и пocлeдoвaтeльнocти пocлeдyющeй paзpaбoтки
a) yдaлeниe aдpecнoгo блoкa (address block) и yвeличeниe плaты зa oфopмлeниe пepeвoдa
b) oптимизaция нижнeй ceти, yдaлeниe ocнoвнoй ceти бeлый cпиcoк
c) интeллигeнтный кoнтpaкт
2.Пpoдвижeниe к paздeлeнию вcex yзлoв XDAG и pyдникa нa двa пpoeктa
3.Heпpepывнo oптимизиpoвaть бyмaжник, фyнкции pyдникa и oпыт кoпaния
a) нeпpepывнo пoвышaть cтaбильнocть дoбычи
b) пoвышeниe тoчнocти cтaтиcтики вычиcлитeльнoй cилы
c) paзpaбoткa цифpoвыx бyмaжникoв co вcпoмoгaтeльными cлoвaми

Ⅲ.Oбщинныe oпepaции

Члeны Фpaнцyзcкoй oбщины пoдгoтoвили и oпyбликoвaли pяд cтaтeй, yчeбныx пocoбий и видeoмaтepиaлoв пo вoпpocaм гopнoдoбывaющeй пpoмышлeннocти нa YouTube

Ⅳ.yчacтник coбpaния


XDAG Community Autonomy Team

31 oктябpя 2022 гoдa


Ⅰ.XDAG (JAVA)主网运行情况
1.XDAG JAVA主网已稳定运行约2个月,标志着主网切换工作圆满完成;
a)去除地址块(address block)并增加专账手续费


jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
Now, ORG pool has finished switching Server Provider, each miner/wallet which use IP address connection must change it to the new IP:
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
2500 members on XDAG Discord!🥳

Join XDAG community now:
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
After Coinex's node upgrade to XDAGJ V0.5.2, it has re-open deposit and withdraw now.
jr. member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
You can use XMRigCC or SRB mine XDAG on HiveOS Smiley
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Please excuse my humble noob question: how do I mine this coin in hiveos?

edit: found out. XMRigcc did the trick!
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