why is there always a newbie acct created every day to defend on this thread. literally everyday, a new acct is created for this. Why don't you just use the glaucus account you created yesterday or the bobolam1971 acct you created the day before that. Also, no one is asking for the right to anyone's property, if you just took the time to comprhend the comments, you will realize that you are on the opposite spectrum of the conversation.
On a side note, its quite funny how every new acct created to defend all have the same french native prose as the dev
Yes right i'm new member, But I do not live in France and my main language is English and French. I said it right. For example, if you create an item and don't want to share it with anyone and someone wants to have it, can you force them to give it to you?
Well, what a coincidence that the dev is a Frenchman and all the new acct created everyday to defend the coin are also created by Frenchmen
anyway, what does your comment have to do with the conservation you quoted?
Am not asking him to share anything, rather just telling him to operate within the financial laws of France, and to stop manipulating the market at will. Anyone with the least comprehension of English can easily see this, so what's the reason for your random/unwarranted contribution?
Tout d'abord c'était une décision prise à cause de la multitude des bêtises et des pressions à l'encontre de Xiropht et de moi, admettons que vous réussissiez à maintenir la monnaie où elle est dans la partie financière, beaucoup aurait investit à perte dans un projet qui n'intéresse pas les gens comme vous, ou qui aurait pu faire peur à beaucoup d'autres à cause du ramassis de bêtises que vous propagez partout, à chaque fois que je post une mise à jour vous venez m'harceler avec vos bêtises sans aucun fondements, donc réfléchissez un peu avant de parler, vous ne mesurer par les conséquences de vos dires et de vos actes sur moi et les autres personnes qui parcours ce post.
Je peux donc très bien vous accusez d'harcèlement, de dénonciations calomnieuses, de manipulations de l'opinion du publique et bien plus encore. Ce que vous faites est encore pire qu'une quelconque demande de delisting. Mais comme vous vous intéressez que par une seule ligne et déformer la réalité tout en ignorant les raisons ce n'est pas très étonnant du résultat.
C'est vous qui devriez avoir honte et avoir peur.
Ensuite, l'exchange aurait très bien pu refuser ma demande, ils m'ont donné leurs avis, j'ai suivis leurs conseils et actuellement nous sommes encore listé.
Et pour finir, je maintiens ce que j'ai décidé précédemment à votre sujet.
for those that can't understand french, here is the translation "
First of all it was a decision made because of the multitude of nonsense and pressure against Xiropht and me, let's say that you managed to keep the currency where it is in the financial part, a lot would have invested in loss in a project that does not interest people like you, or that could have scared a lot of others because of the bunch of nonsense that you spread everywhere, every time I post an update you come to me harassing with your nonsense without any fundamentals, so think a little before you speak, you do not measure by the consequences of your statements and your actions on me and the other people who run this post.
So I can very well charge you with harassment, slanderous denunciations, manipulations of public opinion and so much more. What you do is even worse than any request for delisting. But as you are interested in only one line and distort the reality while ignoring the reasons it is not very surprising of the result.
It is you who should be ashamed and afraid.
Then the exchange could very well have refused my request, they gave me their opinion, I followed their advice and currently we are still listed.
And finally, I maintain what I have previously decided about you.
What you don't seem to understand Mr dev who has zero comprehension of financial law and should really read up on it, is that a
libel/harassment suit is just a misdemeanor at best and since am not the creator/nor in charge of this project (or a majority shareholder), am immune to any financial related law imposed on this project.
You on the other hand created this project and is in charge of it, so u committed a felony cos you should have had a conversation with the exchange and verified that you were on the same page before making that comment, and then make sure to follow thru with the aforementioned plan. But by making such a comment, drastically dumping the coin's price and retracting the comment the following day is classic case of manipulation 101 and is a serious offense in most countries ( again, learn the law rather than continuously arguing) like i said i have stored/screen shoot the info from this one and knowing your temperament, i expect you to break more financial laws in the future. And with time, you might just have to answer to it.
I won't keep going back and forth with you but i highly suggest that you read up on the financial law of your country cos am quite adept with mine and i know its similar in most western countries. Once you took the project to an open market, and instituted a dev fee, you exposed yourself to this economic laws, and since your profile is not hidden, i will seriously suggest that you get quite adept to it, if you intend to play in this market.
You can keep arguing with me but when it comes down to it, i will be the least of your worry. Take care and am done.