So ordinary miners do not have protection from losing days?
XMG is not perfect. the profitability adjustment is what set XMG mining apart from any other POW. When it started maybe the reward system was optimal but of course miners would adjust and learn how to get more profit jumping in and out. Thats the game. So i believe it needs to be adjusted again but definitely the adjusting reward system should be kept. I suggested just a few days ago or maybe a week ago to incorporate a more random reward system. But dev thinks its not the way. Maybe he has another plan to tackle it.
Let us remember that the adjusting reward system was meant to prevent big farms from mining. Its meant to make the coin more centralized. Dev means well. unfortunately the flexible reward system is too straight forward so it can be exploited. And it is being exploited. Temporary or permanent reduction in max reward really wont solve anything in the long run as long as max is still profitable. Regular miners would suffer more than big farms. Big farms farm more than 1 type of coin thats why they jump in and out.
Unfortunately whatever reward you get is also same for everybody. Nobody has the upper hand. Just people with more resources.
I didn't yet give a deep thinking on the mining thing as I put all efforts into getting done fix first at this time. For that being said, I neither agree nor disagree randomness and I've mentioned this can be optional. This part must be clear.
Mostly it's the case that people make use of reward predication to mine, however, this is not a general case that is applicable to miners, like botnets. We've been through some old times, and had discussions with miner developers who believe chances are always there for some big miners despite how much small reward. They do care about profits for sure, however, they definitely mine the way differently from generic users. When we propose the randomness as one of the approaches, let's be clear the role of randomness in reducing miners.
This is the question I mentioned:
Randomness can be optional, while I'm wondering if randomness is mainly served to make block value guess be difficult? However, if we go patterning the average reward following a rule, I bet people can make use of the average rule.
It's for sure that there is bare chance we should go completely random blocks or we will make the small miners out of the scene, unless we have a strong reason
And yet, I wouldn't go complete random blocks at this point, as in the case big miners jump in who will actually control majority reward; the reward must make connections to parameter(s) that reflects the actual mining scene.
Put together, I would say randomness as additive can be considered, but we need to be clear its purpose and how it functions.
Let us remember that the adjusting reward system was meant to prevent big farms from mining. Its meant to make the coin more centralized. ..
yup decentralized... hahaha. sorry for that. i tend not to read what i type. hahaha. Dont worry about it Joe its just a suggestion. And yup the role of the random reward is to reduce miners who only mine during high reward. For example when i started mining i was on zpool. Zpool has a very good profit switcher and when it detects the last block from any coin is more profitable than what you currently mine it will automatically disconnect which allows you to create a very long batch file to switch from one coin to another. With random block reward it wont be as attractive. People might start leaving out XMG from those profit switching mining they are doing. Im pretty sure some have neat apps to help them select coins. I know of one. But again i have complete faith in you and the direction which you want to take XMG. You have done well in the last 3 years so ill just wait for any brilliant idea which you may have.
and of course it is an add on only. Do not give up the hash rate based adjustment you currently have. If you add randomizer just put it as a multiplier. Thanks for taking the time to read through the post.