You can always try staking your Coin Magi on the cloud if you cannot have your computer on 24/7. There are several methods like using a VPS or even a cloud computing service like AWS. I use VPS myself for staking coins and have obtained very good results. The more you leave the wallet open, the higher are the chances of receiving stakes.
Does staking cover your monthly costs though? Also how safe are they and trustworthy? Can you back it up? Risk of them jut taking all of your data?
I'm only using the $4 a months VPS service from CrownCloud (OpenKVM virtualization) It has 2GB and a decent amount of storage. I have the wallet encrypted and perform constant backups towards my local PC. Usually, I can cover the costs by staking coins with higher APR rate like Hyperstake and Pulse. (as I'm not making much with XMG). With them, I make around $11 a month with the amount of coins I hold in total. Still, there is the risk of the possibility of them taking all your data so it is advised to make backups constantly and proceed with caution.