New wallet 1.3.0rc1 available:
Download link:
(I'll fulfill OSX compiling, TBD)
Block chain:
Release notes:
# Changed database for storing transaction and block indices from Berkeley DB to LevelDB;
# Enabled block hash storing in storage and loaded directly from disk;
# Fixed "Checkpoint is too old" warning
# PoS stake splitting and combining features, which can be set by stakesplitthreshold=VALUE and stakecombinethreshold VALUE in magi.conf, or by RPC commands: setstakesplitthreshold and setstakecombinethreshold; RPC commands getstakesplitthreshold and getstakecombinethreshold to show their current values;
# Added price information on Qt Overviewpage;
# Qt wallet logo change and GUI improvements;
# Merge pull request of version check updates by feldenthorne; fixed automatic version check including test/rc versions.
# Merge pull request of adding total balance in "Transactions" page by lightsplasher;
Thanks to feldenthorne and lightsplasher for the contributions to the code base and sorry for the long-delayed merge. I am supposed to respond to the pull request significantly fast from now on. If anyone is able to make changes to source, please.
Note 1:
We are changing to leveldb for block index storing. For this purpose, we suggest use of the new wallet in limited occasions. This is the reason of the RC version, though I didn't see any issue in my own side. At this moment, I DON'T recommend using the wallet in your minings, pool server, or exchanges. In my estimate about two weeks long without having any issues coming up, we will roll out a stable release.
Note 2:
Due to change to leveldb data, you have to get rid of the old version of block data before using the new client. To save the time, I have pulled out an up-to-date block chain which can be downloaded from here:
A bit concern of stake splitting & combing in original ppc design since it involves security concerns:
// which somehow reads as encouraging splitting (improve security);
// This mechanism is to be disabled in Magi since combining won't cause security concern
/* Splitting is only enforced at wallet, not by PoS protocol as well as consensus over network.
* Original PPCoin design encourages splitting as per "Lower coinstake combine threshold to
* improve security", which can be understood by the fact that in general PoS, with a large
* number of coins in stake comes greater chance of (PoS) mining blocks. This is not going to
* happen in Magi. Also, hardening nStakeCombineThreshold is impractical since an advanced user
* can easilly make a change to that and rebuild a wallet. The change to nStakeCombineThreshold
* should be available externally, e.g., RPC command, magi.conf configuration file.
** Magi, for optimum staking, nStakeCombineThreshold should be used in combination with nStakeSplitThreshold.*/
Update procedure:
1) Backup wallet.dat to a safe place;
2) Delete everything under the Magi or .magi folder except wallet.dat;
3) Download block chain from here and unzip the fille;
4) Unzip all of the stuffs under the folder m-blockchain into Magi or .magi;
5) Start up the new wallet.
At the last minute when I compiled the wallet in windows, the price info on the new wallet in Windows seems not working, though it all worked out in my linux machine; we'll fix it in the final version.
I guess this is it.
I'll talk more most likely tomorrow night.