Thanks for new wallet running great can you upload somewhere magi.conf or what I have write inside.
Please have a look at, and these two lines:
# Transaction under stake with a value greater than the threshold is being splitted
# Transactions with values less than the threshold will combine into one
You can check whether settings are set properly by running commands from Console (on Qt wallet):
the default values are mixed up and the description is wrong
splittreshhold should be always lower than stakecombinetreshhold
if u have splittreshhold at 100 for example and merge treshhold at 1000
what will happen is coin pile split each stake if its above 100 size
and later on the below 100 size coin piles will merge together towards 1000 or higher
i tested ur wallet and it behave exact as i said
wont split coin pile below splittreshhold size
and merge below splittreshhold size together into a combinestreshholdsize pile
As you may notice, "Transaction
greater than the threshold is being splitted" for splitthreshold; "
less than" will combine for combinethreshold. I don't see difference between mine an your description.
"wont split coin pile below splitthreshold size" = split when coins greater than splitthreshold
"merge below splitthreshold size together into a combinestreshholdsize pile" should be "merge below combinethreshold"
splitthreshold and combinethreshold are two different things. If your intention is to combine those coins with values less than splitthreshold, I think this is not what splitthreshold is supposed to be.
Let me know if I'm missing something.
Regarding the numbers, when following number are set:
What happens is that if there are transactions of 200 XMG going through stake, these transactions will merge since they < stakecombinethreshold, and in the mean time they satisfy splitting too since they > stakesplitthreshold.
If you look at the actual code implementation:, once splitting is initialized, splitting will be done definitely. In other words, whatever transactions to be merged (as inputs), they will split into two equal outputs too; so merging & splitting take place in the same time. This also means stakecombinethreshold is not so effective, since coins with values < 1000 still split. For the above reasons, I believe splitthreshold should be greater than combinethreshold; then coin values > splitthreshold (> combinethreshold too) will split (no combing), and coin values < combinethreshold (< splitthreshold too) will combine (no splitting); no mixing at all.
The goal is that, once coins combined, the final value should be between combinethreshold and splitthreshold, so that ultimately they will neither split nor combine, but stay stable and staking.
This is what I understood. I have no actual stakings for above verification; if you see something different, let me know.