
Topic: [ANN] [XMG] MAGI | CPU mining | mPoW | mPoS | [MagiPay] - page 84. (Read 2375603 times)

Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Hi all,

One of my solo miners has begun getteing this error

 HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] submit_upstream_work json_rpc_call failed
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] ...retry after 30 seconds

after the 30 seconds it will mine fine for 10-20 seconds and then the same error.
Anyone know what i need to change for this error? the miner has been mining/working fine for the last 2 days and with no changes, same .config file as in my other miners (they are working fine)  

are you mining to your wallet?

if you are try restarting your wallet

Yes it is mining to my wallet, and i have tried restarting the wallet but same error.
I haven't specified my wallet address but my other miners will mine to my wallet by default if the wallet is open.

tried restart the computer that has the wallet and also try restart the computer that has the miner thats playing up

sometimes i've had to restart the computer that has the miner to make it work.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Hi all,

One of my solo miners has begun getteing this error

 HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] submit_upstream_work json_rpc_call failed
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] ...retry after 30 seconds

after the 30 seconds it will mine fine for 10-20 seconds and then the same error.
Anyone know what i need to change for this error? the miner has been mining/working fine for the last 2 days and with no changes, same .config file as in my other miners (they are working fine)  

are you mining to your wallet?

if you are try restarting your wallet

Yes it is mining to my wallet, and i have tried restarting the wallet but same error.
I haven't specified my wallet address but my other miners will mine to my wallet by default if the wallet is open.
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Hi all,

One of my solo miners has begun getteing this error

 HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] submit_upstream_work json_rpc_call failed
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] ...retry after 30 seconds

after the 30 seconds it will mine fine for 10-20 seconds and then the same error.
Anyone know what i need to change for this error? the miner has been mining/working fine for the last 2 days and with no changes, same .config file as in my other miners (they are working fine)  

are you mining to your wallet?

if you are try restarting your wallet
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Hi all,

One of my solo miners has begun getteing this error

 HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] submit_upstream_work json_rpc_call failed
[2018-05-16 08:08:01] ...retry after 30 seconds

after the 30 seconds it will mine fine for 10-20 seconds and then the same error.
Anyone know what i need to change for this error? the miner has been mining/working fine for the last 2 days and with no changes, same .config file as in my other miners (they are working fine)  
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Xaй, нyбы)

42ый дeнь c мoмeнтa мoeй пepвoй бeзoпacнoй aтaки (ocнoвнaя цeль кoтopoй, пoкaзaть yязвимocть)
13ый дeнь c тex пop кaк Джo цeнтpaлизoвaл вcю ceть и нaчaл пpoвoдить экcпepимeнты нa cвoeй нoдe, нaзнaчeннoй глaвнoй

Vitalik enough the past is the past

time to move on and enough of the fighting its getting too much just making matters worse for your self.

you want to stop ppl going on about it then drop the subject.

and they will drop it too. honest i dont care who did what. its the past and nothing can be done about it now.

So please enough of this subject and they will do the same.

Boзмoжнo, вы мoгли гoвopить пo-pyccки тaк жe, кaк эвoлюциoниpoвaл OДИH ЧEЛOBEК нa этoй дocкe.)

Я мoгy, нo нe cлишкoм мнoгo. нo мoжeм ли мы yйти oт этoгo Smiley

нeт, мнe тaк yдoбнee

я нe пpoтив этoгo. Для этoгo пoдxoдит пepeвoд Google. я пpocтo имeю в видy, ecли ocтaнoвкa o тoм, чтo пpoиcxoдит, и т. д., бyдeт oтбpoшeнa, пoэтoмy мы избaвимcя oт вceй дpaмы и т. д.

Я нe вижy никaкoй дpaмы в кopoткoм, нa 2 пpeдлoжeния, oпиcaнии тeкyщeй cитyaции.
Длинный плaч и дpaмy oбычнo ycтpaивaют пиcьки из мoeгo cпиcкa "биo-мycop" в пoдпиcи.
я знaю этo. Я пpocтo имeю в видy. пoзвoляeт пpocтo oтбpocить вce этo, пoэтoмy нeт никaкoгo cпocoбa или нeт пpичин для людeй дeлaть из нeгo дoпoлнитeльнyю дpaмy и cнoвa зaпycкaть ee, a тaкжe плaкaть, и т.д., я пoнимaю, oткyдa вы пpишли. eгo вpeмя, чтoбы зaключить миp, этo вce, чтo я имeю в видy. нe дaeт людям oбъяcнять, чтo oни плoxo гoвopят o тoм, чтo вы cкaзaли.
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Is this the right chain ?

root@srv1 - ~ - [16/05/18 07:55 am]> magid getinfo
    "version" : "v1.4.5.3",
    "protocolversion" : 71064,
    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 362.90006730,
    "newmint" : 2.04789629,
    "stake" : 0.00000000,
    "blocks" : 1824031,
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "moneysupply" : 8040311.76395705,
    "connections" : 1,
    "proxy" : "",
    "ip" : "",
    "ipv4" : "",
    "ipv6" : "",
    "difficulty" : {
        "proof-of-work" : 3.86547284,
        "proof-of-stake" : 0.00404609
    "testnet" : false,
    "keypoololdest" : 1496946698,
    "keypoolsize" : 102,
    "mininput" : 0.00000000,
    "paytxfee" : 0.00010000,
    "errors" : ""
root@srv1 - ~ - [16/05/18 07:55 am]> magid getpeerinfo
        "addr" : "",
        "services" : "00000001",
        "lastsend" : 1526446539,
        "lastrecv" : 1526446540,
        "conntime" : 1526446183,
        "version" : 71064,
        "subver" : "/m-core:",
        "inbound" : false,
        "releasetime" : 0,
        "startingheight" : 1824026,
        "banscore" : 0
root@srv1 - ~ - [16/05/18 07:55 am]> magid getmininginfo
    "blocks" : 1824032,
    "currentblocksize" : 1000,
    "currentblocktx" : 0,
    "difficulty" : {
        "proof-of-work" : 3.86547284,
        "proof-of-stake" : 0.00386223,
        "search-interval" : 1
    "blockvalue" : {
        "difficulty-V2" : 4.76724345,
        "blockvalue" : 1.36120999
    "netmhashps" : 61.67921405,
    "netstakeweight" : 227177.09860466,
    "errors" : "",
    "pooledtx" : 0,
    "stakeweight" : {
        "minimum" : 458,
        "maximum" : 0,
        "combined" : 458
    "Expected PoS (hours)" : 12,
    "stakeinterest" : 0.01420182,
    "testnet" : false,
    "generate" : false,
    "genproclimit" : -1,
    "hashespersec" : 0,
    "networkhashps" : 61679214,
    "testnet" : false

yes you are on right one
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Xaй, нyбы)

42ый дeнь c мoмeнтa мoeй пepвoй бeзoпacнoй aтaки (ocнoвнaя цeль кoтopoй, пoкaзaть yязвимocть)
13ый дeнь c тex пop кaк Джo цeнтpaлизoвaл вcю ceть и нaчaл пpoвoдить экcпepимeнты нa cвoeй нoдe, нaзнaчeннoй глaвнoй

Vitalik enough the past is the past

time to move on and enough of the fighting its getting too much just making matters worse for your self.

you want to stop ppl going on about it then drop the subject.

and they will drop it too. honest i dont care who did what. its the past and nothing can be done about it now.

So please enough of this subject and they will do the same.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
I'm in the process of creating a blockchain snapshot at block height 1823926. I believe this is the correct blockchain because it matched perfectly with I will be updating this post upon uploading to MEGA.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0

     Well I don't know who this Vitalik_Pedik guy is but I've learned a lot from him! I learned how to act like a troll. Speak in Russian to draw attention to my self and best of all!!! Make a lot of noise like a 2 yr old.   Grin Thanks Vitalik_Pedik you are the man!  Cool Cool two thumbs up to you my friend! You bring so much to this network. Reading your awesome posts I have to commend your effort in making no one care about who you are!  Roll Eyes

Welcome to the group.  Grin

     Thanks I'm been using the coin for along time but never vocal. Trying to keep up with what is going on so I can keep everything up to date.
Activity: 55
Merit: 0

     Well I don't know who this Vitalik_Pedik guy is but I've learned a lot from him! I learned how to act like a troll. Speak in Russian to draw attention to my self and best of all!!! Make a lot of noise like a 2 yr old.   Grin Thanks Vitalik_Pedik you are the man!  Cool Cool two thumbs up to you my friend! You bring so much to this network. Reading your awesome posts I have to commend your effort in making no one care about who you are!  Roll Eyes

Welcome to the group.  Grin
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
Sorry to everyone else on the last post about Vitalik it will not happen again! I am sick of the non-stop drama he keeps bringing to this network. We can't help with someone like him trying to car bomb us all the time! Any update on the fix?
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

You find it here:

FAKE NEWS! The hashing is NOT AVAILABLE under this repository. It's just a fork of the regular Python stratum-mining. Check the externals folder. Submodules broken, and not included. Updates borked. Code missing.

Am I missing something? I may be old but... I feel like someone is trying to say there is, but there isn't.

Well. This is discerning. Not only is it currently centralized, but no one but the developer or whom the developer permits, or whom has the time to recode the hashing of the stratum can operate a pool?

B oткpытoм дocтyпe нeт paбoчeгo cтpaтyмa, я иcкaл гдe тo пoлгoдa нaзaд. Moжeт плoxo иcкaл.
Tы лyчшe cвяжиcь c aдминaми cyщecтвyющиx пyлoв, вepoятнo ктo-тo тo им дopиcoвывaл cтpaтyмы пoд м7мxэш.

I don't speak Russian. Sorry comrade. Godspeed.

Hy кaк бe этo тeбe нaдo a нe мнe)

     Well I don't know who this Vitalik_Pedik guy is but I've learned a lot from him! I learned how to act like a troll. Speak in Russian to draw attention to my self and best of all!!! Make a lot of noise like a 2 yr old.   Grin Thanks Vitalik_Pedik you are the man!  Cool Cool two thumbs up to you my friend! You bring so much to this network. Reading your awesome posts I have to commend your effort in making no one care about who you are!  Roll Eyes
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
use this one

I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

The stratum server this script pulls does have m7m

Thank you as always kind human... I think I may have gotten mpos and stratum-mining working with the hash as well. Still testing, having issues syncing the blockchain now. Go figure. Tongue

Been using this:

Cheers mate. Just saw this site on the GitHub, and noticed that zip was a bit newer... Trying now. Thank you!
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
use this one

I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

The stratum server this script pulls does have m7m

Thank you as always kind human... I think I may have gotten mpos and stratum-mining working with the hash as well. Still testing, having issues syncing the blockchain now. Go figure. Tongue

Been using this:

Activity: 37
Merit: 0
I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

The stratum server this script pulls does have m7m

Thank you as always kind human... I think I may have gotten mpos and stratum-mining working with the hash as well. Still testing, having issues syncing the blockchain now. Go figure. Tongue

Been using this:

Activity: 133
Merit: 15
I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

The stratum server this script pulls does have m7m
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

You find it here:

I did find this one last night. But it was under another project name. It appears to be a fork of the regular Python stratum-mining, with the addition of the Magi hashing. This actually work, given its from the coin developer. Tongue

Will give it a go. Thank you! I assume this will work as a drop in for most pool front ends?

Edit: Provided repository doesn't actual contain the hashing code needed for Magi. It's just a fork of Python stratum-mining.

like to know where you get that from cos i can see totally different.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
I can't seem to find a stratum server that supports m7m. I have found all sorts of "HOW-TOs" for all other bits of currency, but none for m7m algo's.

NOMP, uNOMP, node-stratum, none of those packages appear to have m7m support. It can be added in... just doesnt include it.

I know MinerClaim is using MPOS, and must have an m7m capable stratum server to operate the pool. This must be the "paid setup" that MPOS discusses on their project page.

So... to my knowledge there are no open source pool solutions for CoinMagi.

Someone, please prove me wrong, or guide me in the right direction. The closest I have come to is cryptonight, with XMR and cryptonote-pool or something on GitHub. Also didn't support m7m.

Any suggestions?

I can't find anything! If I can't run a pool, the currency is centralized... one node... no exchanges in operation supporting XMG currently...

You find it here:

The hashing is NOT AVAILABLE under this repository? It's just a fork of the regular Python stratum-mining. Check the externals folder. Submodules broken, and not included. Updates borked. Code missing.

Am I missing something? I may be old but... I feel like someone is trying to say there is, but there isn't.

EDIT: Found the hash repo... will try to cobble it together.

FURTHER: The Magi fork has no documentation of the stratum-mining Python base. It can be found here:

Activity: 34
Merit: 0
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