Edit: Everyone is trying to work out which pools are right. cos right now there are 2 chains and no one knows which is the true chain. And if ppl are on the wrong chain and lose all the coins they have mind they are going to be extremely pissed off at you devs.
I count 4 possible chains:
1) Minerclaim/Poolinfo/Joe's node (blockheight all match)
2) Trasma (different blockheight, mining sequential blocks)
3) xpoolx (another different blockheight, also sequential mining)
4) whatever Vitalik (guessing it is him) is doing as seen on CryptoID
Well, maybe 5 if you count m-hash before they hit the stop button.
I'd say whatever pool is mirroring .215 is on the correct chain. Although, minerclaim's stats are a bit messed. At the moment, pool hash is greater than network hash. Probably nothing...
My wallet is showing a similar blockheight to Dougy (3332 due to the time it took to type this up from my phone). Adjust your config and resync. While it goes against "decentralized," a central node is what we got to work with until whatever is broken is fixed.
No need to blow a gasket quite yet..