Experimental reward systemThe whole project is a big crowdfunding experiment. The experiment managed and controlled by the community. Proposed reward system is one of the possible implementations which we think is fun and interesting experience for both parties: campaign's author and its participants. We believe its a working approach that offers many opportunities in crowdfunding. We do not underestimate the potential of the community though. If the system does not work for some reason - this is the best case to hear the community opinion, make the proper corrections and improvements and deliver an updated version. At this stage we don't start campaigns, we hear the community, we draw a conclusion.
Regarding ponzi schemes and user Namsbreh
response. It looks like mr. Namsbreh doesn't understand well what ponzi scheme is as well as he haven't read carefully about our reward system. Would he read a little more diligently, he would have noticed there is nothing in common. The fact we have proposed the concept of splitting deposits doesn't mean this is a ponzi at all. However, one can understand the people who make hasty conclusions without examining details - to many frauds and scams in crypto these days and this is a pretty sad story. We will do our best to explain the mechanics behind our platform.
Lets get back to the project. Realizing that the proposed reward scheme may not be that straightforward and some may not understand the principles of its functioning, we suggest the following: we are going to launch only one simple and clear campaign soon and you'll see how the things work. More info on this coming soon.
We have even more good news.
altradar.info developer, has joined our team and will help us with the frontend and hopefully community management. We are looking where decentralized philosophy can be applied and will help to view common things under different angle. This is highly experimental field and we will be happy if some open minded developers, designers, promoters will join our team.
Stay tuned.