I can't seem to pass the -R or --rawintensity flag in a conf or in an .sh file in linux.
Every time I use it it closes on startup
./utc_mine.sh: line 1: 18391 Segmentation fault
Add -T and -D look for messages about what went wrong
Did so:
./utc_mine.sh: line 1: 27978 Segmentation fault
Settings: --scrypt-chacha --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 --no-submit-stale --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 --gpu-engine 0-947 --gpu-memclock 1375 --gpu-fan 70-100 --temp-target 85 --temp-cutoff 100 --temp-overheat 90 --auto-gpu --auto-fan --rawintensity 4096 --buffer-size 1024 -g 2 -w 256 --lookup-gap 2 -T -D
Maybe I did something wrong when compiling it?
SMOS 1.3
mine stop
sleep 5
cd /home
apt-get install libudev-dev+
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libjansson.so.4 /usr/lib/libjansson.so.4
ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1
ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0.13.0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1
git clone
https://github.com/Thirtybird/YACMiner/mv /home/YACMiner /opt/miners/YACMiner
cp /opt/ADL/include/*.h /opt/miners/YACMiner/ADL_SDK/
cd /opt/miners/YACMiner
chmod +x ./autogen.sh
./autogen.sh --enable-scrypt --enable-opencl
sleep 5
cd /root/
echo '/opt/miners/YACMiner/yacminer -o stratum+tcp://ultra.nitro.org:3337 -u diegolisandro.1 -p x --scrypt-chacha --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 --no-submit-stale --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 --gpu-engine 0-1000 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-fan 70-100 --temp-target 85 --temp-cutoff 100 --temp-overheat 90 --auto-gpu --auto-fan --intensity 12 --thread-concurrency 16384 -g 2 -w 256 --lookup-gap 2' > utc_mine.sh
chmod +x utc_mine.sh
Further edit: I definitely did something wrong, linux noob...I don't see fan speeds nor temperatures, so something related to ADL. :/