Your Suprnova pool Statistic shows almost DOUBLE ! and that is far from the TRU !
Real Statistic is so diferent
n/a baja 854,269 5.663 0.0067 - my in miner staistic is 950 H/s
This statistic after 24 h
Confirmed: 2.7019 ZCL
Unconfirmed: 0.3973 ZCL
Round earnings est: 0.0174 ZCL
After 2.5 year I have to say Good Bye and NO more Suprnova ( I try on another Suprnova pools )
Personally I'm using a fairly basic formula for calculating ZCL/day rewards found here:
ie. (userHashrate / netHashrate) * dailySubsidy = ZCL/Day
Its only an estimate due to the large fluctuations in difficulty and changes hourly but is fairly accurate IMO
Would love any feedback