Cpu mining?
An i7-6700k does 0.85 Mh/s and the difficulty is 2088. That comes down to 0.32 coins per day if I'm not mistaken.
It's awful to mine even with GPUs.
In fact, that is great news, as it means the coin is undervalued, and the price should jump up soon. If mining were cheap, miners would just dump on the market. While at the current situation, miners will not sell cheap, this is to the benefit of all us
there is something called fixed supply, it doesn't matter how many miners there are the same amount of coin will be produced, therefore unless you are talking about hype, the coin will not get any pump
Nope, I am not talking about hype. The thing is - to produce that same "fixed supply", now
more electricity is being spent. So this makes the coin more expensive for all of the miners. Hence this should reflect on the coin price.
Or, alternatively, the hashrate will drop soon, and diff will go down. This is actually very likely scenario. But if it doesn't happen, price will jump.
it's the other way around, the price don't follow the diff, it's the opposite the diff follow the price
Almost. The diff follows the nethash. Price follows simple supply and demand. If diff doesn't work right it
affects supply and indirectly affects price.
It's only when you calculate mining profitability that price has an effect, and only applies if you exchange
to your currency of comparison.
About last night...
It backfired, plain and simple. So may things went wrong. People are complaining to DJM34 about the poor
AMD performance. He was not hired to rewrite lyra2 from scratch or optimize it, just implement zcoin. It wasn't his
fault he started from an ancient base with poor performance on exiting lyra2 algos, The zcoin devs should have
known that AMD wasn't going to be competitive because it wasn't competive before.
For Nvidia the core lyra2 code was already very much optimized, but the perforance on zcoin is still poor.
The algo parameters are just not suitable for GPU mining, even with optimized code.
So you have an algo that already has limited gain potential for GPUs over CPUs due to its I/O requirements and
you increase those requirements to further reduce that potential because you want to encourage GPU mining.
It doen't make sense.
Everyone knew the cutover was going to be like a launch and knew when it would happen. Everyone with AWS
credits knew just what to do with them and when. It gave them a golden opportunity to use their credits at the
most profitable time.
Everything that happened was completely opposite to the desired intent.