Really interesting question.
I have a pool where I am performing a solo mining.
I get pretty often orphaned blocks (as any one else). This morning I rebuild the pool with new 1.0.12 version files and I set up new addresses. Then I realized something very strange:
Orphaned blocks are actually showed as paid inside block explorer:
Account t1K6x9EFd9SAvoDk87rm2AP8um8WsYJFxHC
Transparent Balance 69.80030995 ZER
Transactions 7 txs
And the fact is that I do have 7 blocks found and 1 of them is orphaned block. Wallet shows 6 immature transactions but inside block explorer missing payment is clearly visible!
So... how is this possible?
This transaction here does not exist at all: the question is, if the amount is not in my wallet then..where he is?