I'm not unhappy with that decision. I profited pretty well on the POW phase, and I used those profits to my advantage. I'm still pretty agnostic on the future of this coin, but it appears y'all are doing a good job. Much better than I expected, to be honest.
In light of that, I opened up my sync wallet and found it not empty. I went ahead and compiled the latest wallet release, copied wallet.dat over, and I continually get an error about the database being corrupt, with the instruction to delete everything but wallet.dat and try again. I did that. Same result. I copied in a new .conf file based off of the ones posted in the thread. Same error. I removed the old wallet.dat file and it starts syncing without issue.
So, at the command line I've run both -repairwallet and -salvagewallet. No effect, same error. This is under ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop. Without a config file I get no connections, but this error doesn't even get that far. It's upon opening the wallet.
I do have a back up of the old wallet and older client on my windows laptop, which I'm about to boot up and sync. But I'd like a way to solve this.
Any clues, advice, abuse?
open your old client with the old wallet and send your coins to an exchange. Open the new client with an new wallet and send your coins from exchange back to the new wallet.