And this is exactly why the government wants to outlaw crypto's. There is no office to check and control, no-one to prevent scams. It's anonymous and open source /open market.
Yes it really sucks that we all got stuck holding our respectable privates. But honestly we all knew the risks.
And unless you have irrefutable evidence that this one person is responsible. ( so no links on video's/ no email or facebook linked to that) But real evidence, like maybe ask Github who created the account where the original sourcecode was uploaded and then follow up on that information with the authority's, who could then find tangible evidence at his home...... then you have no right posting a picture of someone saying he's guilty. Depending on what country your from your not even allowed to make this information public even if found guilty.... This person could actually sue, bitcointalk for that. And if he would succeed or not..... media attention like that would be even worse for the crypto cummunity.
Time to get up, dust off and move on. It's great that the community is regrouping for a fix. If it will work or not, if its another scam who knows... YOU decide how you spend your money, YOU decide how to invest your cypto's. This is true for every occation. Im very sorry for everyone who lost money, including myself.. But this is the crypto world we live in. We live to buy another day. In my opinion.... the only things we really can do...
*support the relaunch if you ever want to have a chance of getting some of your investment back.
*make sure this doesnt happen again..... (will make new thread on this topic)
You guys are almost completely inaccurate when you post.
Nobody said Urban is guilty of anything. Of course we have the right to post links to his public Facebook. No, BitCoinTalk is not getting sued for it.
Next, for micyron, you're confusing me. So you're going to re-establish the current BlockChain (which is still being used) and RE-BRAND the coin for marketing purposes?
These ideas are so rushed and poorly thought out.
Have any of you even taken the time to contact the original services that are STILL RUNNING to let them know what happened?
People are still buying this useless coin on an exchange and you're arguing with ME? People are still MINING this coin, creating blocks on a Blockchain that's going to be wiped out.
This could be the worst community I've ever witnessed in my life. Let someone know they're wasting their money AT LEAST. I understand you're all too lazy to contact anyone to find the culprit who scammed, but at least have a little compassion for the little guy who is still losing money on this.
BTW, are you all going to support EuropeCoin today? That's the newest Continent Coin.