Why was Cryptonodes created: we will use the coin as a base for our projects in the future. These include projects such as masternode-statistic platform, coin ranking platform as well as in the distant future decentralized exchanges. Cryptonodes can be used for the listing. We also believe that it is time to move the world away from traditional mining. Because even though we all enjoy it, our beautiful planet is not happy about this development. Note that only the Bitcoin network itself already uses as much power as 83% of the world's countries. And that's just a network of countless.
More information can be found in the roadmap and white paper.
Expiry of the publication:
The premine is completed and the blockchain is now frozen at block 200. Now, over a week, we will be tendering various competitions via Airdrops to win Cryptonodes. So all profits from Airdrops can be sent in block 201.
At the same time, Cryptonodes will be listed on MasternodeXchange. Thus, the trade can be started directly from block 201.
This allows a fair start for all participants and all have the same chances of making good profits while staking.
Staking POS / Proof of stake
Blocktime 60 seconds
Transactions 154 tx/s
Total 21'000'000 CNMC
Premine 500'000 CNMC
Total 21'000'000 CNMC
Masternode Collateral 5000 CNMC
P2P Port 44221
RPC Port 34221
201 - 5000 1 CNMC
5001 - 25'000 30 CNMC
25'001 - 100'000 20 CNMC
100'001 - 1'050'000 10 CNMC
1'050'001 - 2'100'000 5 CNMC
2'100'001 - 3'150'000 2,5 CNMC
3'150'000 - 4'200'000 1,25 CNMC
After that, the block reward splits every 1'050'000 blocks. Until the total is generated.
Bittrex on Roadmap
Cryptopia on Roadmap
C-Cex on Roadmap
Escodex on Roadmap
SO currently frozen at block 200.
when will the block start moving?