[ANN][ALT][Altcoin][scrypt Adaptive N-factor][Random][Fair Launch][No ASIC]
Are you tired of premined scamcoins? Does the sight of another meme coin make your blood boil? Sick of waiting 30 minutes to confirm a transfer? Looking for a new coin now that scrypt ASICs have killed your mining profitability? Then look no further! Presenting: Altcoin!
What is Altcoin?
Altcoin is an attempt to merge all the best features of other alternate cryptocurrencies into a single package:
- scrypt Adaptive N-Factor
- Random rewards
- Short retarget time
- Small block size
- Extremely low premine (only 128 normal sized blocks premined for stability, less than 0.0004%, and less than the bounties being offered)
- Fair launch (Windows wallet was available from the start, no network connectivity issues)
- Transparency and developer involvement
Official Website:
Technical Details:
Algorithm: scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor
Premine: First 128 blocks for checkpoints (total premine is 14878 ALTs, 0.00034640543162822723388671875% of the total number)
Symbol : ALT
Max Coins: 4294967296 (2^32) ALT
Block time: 1 minute
Subsidy halves every 131,072 blocks (~3 moths)
Difficulty Re-Target Time: 18 minutes
Block Rewards:
| Block No. | Reward |
| 1 to 131072 | 1 - 256 |
| 131073 to 262144 | 1 - 128 |
| 262145 to 524288 | 1 - 64 |
| 524289 to 1048576 | 1 - 32 |
| 1048577 to 2097152 | 1 - 16 |
| 2097153 to 4194304 | 1 - 8 |
| 4194305 to 8388608 | 1 - 4 |
| 8388609 to 16777216 | 1 - 2 |
| 16777217 and up | 1 |
NFactor Schedule:
| N | Memory | Timestamp | Date/Time | |
| 2048 | 256 kB | 1389306217 | Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:23:37 GMT | |
| 4096 | 512 kB | 1456415081 | Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:44:41 GMT | |
| 8192 | 1 MB | 1506746729 | Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:45:29 GMT | |
| 16384 | 2 MB | 1557078377 | Sun, 05 May 2019 17:46:17 GMT | |
| 32768 | 4 MB | 1657741673 | Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:47:53 GMT | |
| 65536 | 8 MB | 1859068265 | Tue, 28 Nov 2028 23:51:05 GMT | |
| 131072 | 16 MB | 2060394857 | Tue, 17 Apr 2035 03:54:17 GMT | |
| 262144 | 32 MB | 2463048041 | Sun, 19 Jan 2048 12:00:41 GMT | |
| 524288 | 64 MB | 2999918953 | Fri, 23 Jan 2065 06:49:13 GMT | |
| 1048576 | 128 MB | 3536789865 | Wed, 28 Jan 2082 01:37:45 GMT | |
| 2097152 | 256 MB | 5684273513 | Mon, 16 Feb 2150 04:51:53 GMT | |
| 4194304 | 512 MB | 7831757161 | Sat, 07 Mar 2218 08:06:01 GMT | |
| 8388608 | 1 GB | 9979240809 | Thu, 25 Mar 2286 11:20:09 GMT | |
| 16777216 | 2 GB | 16421691753 | Fri, 19 May 2490 21:02:33 GMT | |
| 33554432 | 4 GB | 22864142697 | Sun, 15 Jul 2694 06:44:57 GMT | |
Port: P2P 32767, RPC 32768
1. Wallet:
http://sdrv.ms/1bZms3d (with new logo)
Unix build guide:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5094584 2. Source Code:
https://github.com/altcoinproject/altcoin 3. GPU Miner:
http://sdrv.ms/1ejj5Av 4. GPU Miner Source code:
1) GPU mine using CGminer modified for NFactor Scrypt (currently fastest method):
1. Vertcoin GPU miner, download address is:
http://1drv.ms/1cDofI7, please config your vertminer.conf, then run vertminer.exe
2. Windows Version
http://sdrv.ms/1ejj5Av , use the command: ALTMiner --scrypt -o -u user -p pass -I 12 or you can use mine.bat in the zip file directly.
2) CPU mine with wallet (currently slowest method):
1. Open ALTCOIN Wallet
2. Choose Help
3. Select Debug window
4. Select Console
5. Type “setgenerate true
6. Type "getmininginfo" to see hashrate
1. http://alt.coinpoolr.us/ 1% fees, thanks to windex (https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/windex-227074)
2. http://alt.chinaezy.com/, 1% fees, thanks to dear zhaolang (https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/zhaolang-229722)
3. http://alt.coinvention.net
Giveaway thread:
- Fix the Website (http://altcoin.ws), Bounty of 10k ALT
- ALT block explorer, 8k ALT
- Pools, 5k ALT each
- Exchanges, 10k ALT each
- Games, 10k ALT each
- Marketing and Promotion, bounty varies (email us and let us know how you can help)
If you are interested, please contact me with [email protected]
Trading and Exchange:
Block Explorer:
10k ALT bounty (see above)