Put settings in masternode.conf - https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.20755699
and restart wallet
send only 100k in debug window (see my example)
that's my transaction:
Status: 517 confirmations
Date: 8/10/2017 11:28
Total debit: -100 000.00000000 AMS
Total credit: 100 000.00000000 AMS
Transaction fee: -0.00002260 AMS
Net amount: -0.00002260 AMS
Transaction ID: 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Output index: 0
yes i did it , i have my own masternode running
ok, and now ??
i see , it says at my mastenode tab active : 00m:00s , and cant refresh the tab , did it start cause status says its enabled
how can i see if i did right ?? i mean how can i check it ??
1) Masternodes tab - "active and status" columns
2) Debug console:
masternode "command"... ( "passphrase" )
Set of commands to execute masternode related actions
1. "command" (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute
2. "passphrase" (string, optional) The wallet passphrase
Available commands:
count - Print number of all known masternodes (optional: 'obf', 'enabled', 'all', 'qualify')
current - Print info on current masternode winner
debug - Print masternode status
genkey - Generate new masternodeprivkey
enforce - Enforce masternode payments
outputs - Print masternode compatible outputs
start - Start masternode configured in amsterdamcoin.conf
start-alias - Start single masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf
start-- Start masternodes configured in masternode.conf ( : 'all', 'missing', 'disabled')
status - Print masternode status information
list - Print list of all known masternodes (see masternodelist for more info)
list-conf - Print masternode.conf in JSON format
winners - Print list of masternode winners
(code -1)

masternode debug
Masternode successfully started
masternode status
"vin" : "CTxIn(COutPoint(---, 0), scriptSig=)",
"service" : "---:50020",
"pubkey" : "---",
"status" : "Masternode successfully started"

masternode list-conf
"masternode" : {
"alias" : "mn1",
"address" : "---:50020",
"privateKey" : "---",
"txHash" : "---",
"outputIndex" : "0",
"status" : "ENABLED"