@ dear dev, very nice to see that you know your stuff.
What do you think about Ron Paul? I personally do not have any political stance. Ron Paul seems to be the most outspoken advocate of Bitcoin and a decentralized monetary system no?
I have been learning very much about politics and politicians in and out of my country as of late, Ron Paul included. Admittedly in the past, I had intentionally removed myself with the feeling of my one voice cannot have an impact. I did participate and vote in every election but, I was not the most informed voter beyond what mainstream media offered. Honestly, I say that and many of my peers looked to me for political insight even then. Knowing what I know now, I fear I might have lead people astray given my mainstream influence.
It's funny you mentioned Ron Paul, I only just yesterday started following him on twitter and researching some of his popular quotes. This Ron Paul quote, "War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures." seems like it could have been Bernie's quote. I vaguely remember him running in '88, myself being 6 or 7 years to young to vote at the time and thinking then, why do people try when they know there is no chance? But I know today, we fight for what we know to be right no matter how grim the odds because if not us, then who?
I and many, many others sincerely thank Bernie for being that catalyst and proving, even one small voice can have an epic impact. Sure, we read of great politicians in books, but seeing is so much more believing. I am so inspired by what Bernie and other underdogs have demonstrated, I am considering running for a local office. I know not what office or when, but I know one thing. It will never be on a 'major' party ticket.