I add BERNcash to my pool server.
It's fully functionnal (very low reject share)
To use it :
stratum+tcp://kryptos.podzone.net:3346 -u YOUR WALLET -p x
You can use my pre-configured sgminer x14 mod : ...url removed...
open sgminer.conf and change your BERNcash address...
that's all
Happy mining
What is the benefit of your modified miner?
Could you provide the source? I would like to glance it over and perhaps compile it myself on my linux rig.
This is just a sgminer with X14 support
realease is from this source : https://github.com/aznboy84/sgminer/tree/v5_0-x15
I am sorry. I got the impression you had some custom mod and I was eager to see that. None-the-less, thank you for the link and for supporting BERN.