nobody who knows what he is doing would start a coin which is a descendant of novacoin.
why using scrypt as the internal block hashing algo?
scrypt is a PITA and so slow. when you reach block 100000 it'll take ages to open up the wallet.
Look, you saying all this in the forum just to try to break BCF's rise. I have moved the date of the white paper back to 1/30/2014. You can read it then and answer your own questions. An email or PM might of got you a lot further as long as you were respectful instead of accusatory.
Satoshi even said that at some point adding a new hashing algorithm might be necessary at some point. None of us here are weighed down to anything. This is BitCoinFast which in my opinion has the potential to go all the way. When a coin goes all the way or when it goes nowhere you need to realize that there are still options. Its choosing the correct option that is important.
So either put on your googles, helmet and in your case safety belt, and either join us for this historic ride, or turn your trollmobile around and get the F_ck out of here!