Some segments we close independently. However all decisions pass the examination of professionals of the market. To create a prouct we've already attracted high level experts and we'll involve experts with very high examination points. For example, to create the block "finance" we involved at least 5 international experts, 3 sale experts, 3 -marketing and so on. We sincerely believe that beeqb can be realized exclusively thanks to cooperation with the open market of the interested experts. Therefore, we invite a wide range of experts to cooperation with us. If you consider yourself the expert and you can help us to realize the best practicians in our product, we invite also you. If you have an exclusive algorithm and you want to share it with the world, we are ready to discuss it's integration, certainly with the indication of authorship and public gratitude personally to you. Already now 12 patents have been transferred to beeqb. We're trying to make a very good service, certainly, together with experts from around the world.
Ok, but why wouldn't you present potential candidates for advisors first? Wouldn't that raise your credibility significantly if you had some top notch people on board right from the start?
There are a lot of advisers. Main of them are noted in the WP and showed in the website.