No, please read again carefully, we've explained this a few times now.
ONE-TIME AIRDROP:All contributors to the ICO and Presale ICO (meaning NO bounty holders) will receive airdrop for UNCLAIMED bounty to boost their ratio a bit higher. If you joined both bounty and contributed to the ICO, then you will receive it as well (this is proportional to the contribution amount and you will receive it on the address you contributed from, even if it holds no TKR anymore).
REGULAR AIRDROP:All contributors AND bounty holders will receive airdrop on an interim basis once our desktop client is released AND we're generating TKR from our subscription model, etc - this won't be for a good while yet. Do note that this will obviously not amount to much in the start and will not compromise of 100% of the revenue generated, but a portion of it. As we accumulate more users this will inevitably grow, rewarding contributors and bounty holders (proportional to the amount of TKR they hold)
As for desktop release date, at this point all I can say is we don't know yet, read our latest blog > for more information please.
We're also going to stop answering questions in this thread unless we think they're very important to address as it's holding some of our development time back. If the question has already been answered we're unlikely to answer it. If you need immediate help, please reach us out via Slack (or PM, but that will be slower). Anyone confirming their account via this thread won't be monitored, only PMs are monitored for that purpose.
If you did not receive tokens and you did confirm then please PM us and we'll look into it, if you did not receive tokens and you did not confirm then this is intended as you need to confirm to receive them (please read first post).
If you're not in the spreadsheet at all and you think this is a mistake let us know, please do remember that
even if you tweeted and shared but were not accepted in the original spreadsheet then we can't help you, we had a limit and we clearly marked in our original spreadsheet who was accepted to tweet/share (we have access to those sheets still so we can easily look it up for every single week).