-[ANNOUNCEMENT]- Buyback Asset
AssetID: 15960505094502212264
Amount in total: 2.000.000
Initial price: 10
I want to introduce here my brand new Buyback Asset.
The Buyback Asset is based on the idea, that investors profit in four ways.
First way is, that based on a monthly payout that comes from sales of new share will be payout to the investors
Seconds way is, that the amount of shares will also be reduced, so that every month the amount of shares that gets payout from the first way will be lesser and lesser and because of that, the amount that will be payout for one share will become more and more, every month.
The second way will also help to increase the value of the shares for traders, so also the price for one share will increase.
Third way is that i buyback for the lowest price a holder wants to sell. so holders of the shares can determinate this price. Because of that that will be higher of the initial price, that the profit they have.
Fourth way is that initial price is 10. so that also little increases are good profits in percentage!
Phase 1:
Beginning with this post, 50% of the shares will bei available for purchase. This ends at first of february 2016, also if not all shares are sold.
Phase 2:
If all shares from Phase 1 are sold, then Phase 2 starts.
The next 50% will be sold equaly over at least the next 25 months (depends on who much from phase one was sold). For this a sell order is placed every first of the month.
The income from this sell will be used to payout the investors a monthly interest and buyback.
40% of the montly income will be used for the interest to pay out investors. This will be done after all montly shares are sold. (at least a few days after that)
40% for will be used for the buyback. I will buyback as much shares i can this this coins. Price is the price for that i can buyback. So its the lowest price someone wants to sell (open sell orders).
20% is for the asset management.
The income from Phase 1 is for backup and will be used, if in one month no new shares could be sold, so that the investors still get the interest.
In case of no sell orders at the time of the monthly buyback, any amount not spent will enter into the amount offered for buyback in the following month and so on.
A little Calc:Phase 1 Sellprice per Share 10,00
Initially Sold 1.000.000,00
Backupprice 10.000.000,00
Phase 2 Monthly max shares for sale 20.000,00
Monthly income from sale 200.000,00
1. Month Monthly garantied interest for investors (40%) 80.000,00
Monthly interest per share (40%) in Burst 0,08
Monthly interest in per share in % 0,80
Interests are garantied buy raised money from phase 1. Buyback shares from users for x Burst 80.000,00
So if you look at this, you got 0.8% per month garantied and the chance to increase if the amount of buyback is higher than the amount of sold new shares. also you can profit from trading the assset. not so bad.....