what if blago releases a minerversion, that submits the deadlines to both wallets (bursts and the clone ones) or two pools simultaneously ?
We got a dual mining coin system with zero extra costs?!
Plotfiles could be used to mine on multiple BURST clones.
But the minig itself has to be done for every clone.
Currently mined scoop and deadline depends on blocknumber and last block winner.
indeed, however having support for multiple coins in the same miner can be done, and the benefit would be that the same hdd isn't accessed simultaneously by 2 processes.
I'm no expert in GPUs, but maybe it's not ideal to run 2 GPU miners simultaneously either. Is this true?
Lol, it seems there is much support for a clone. Maybe I should just do that. Agreed?
Sure there could be optimations, e.g. set prio for different clones, no concurrent access to drives etc. good point.
But you can run multiple miner instances on same GPU, in worst case, it will slow down.
I see no reason for not supporting a burst clone ... i just do not like the idea changing burst fundamentals.