I proof the words:
Pool Statistics
Current time: 2015-09-12 02:02:07 UTC
Block: 141,796
Difficulty: 6,490
Est. Networksize (PB): 6.8050643042691
Current time: 2015-09-12 03:20:42 UTC
Block: 141,814
Difficulty: 5,126
Est. Networksize (PB): 5.3752951951379
~20% network size lost, in 78 minutes
"BUT if you believe in the coin, then you should buy/hold"
If BinLaden has indeed 2 PB, then he has now more than a third.
Looking at baseTarget ( lower the more difficult to hit the block ) it shifts between 1.5mln and 3mln these days. So a change +/- 50% between individual blocks the same day is kinda normal. You have to look at the average over a day to get anything meaningful. Also, at the time we were going into the weekend, often we see smaller network size in the weekend. Btw. the higher basetarget and lower network size is a big plus for me personally, i get double as many blocks with half the network size. - if network size dropped and stayed low, new miners would start mining bc it was profitable. It is self-adjusting, the network size is supposed to mirror the BURST price and the price of mining, more or less.
It is rather meaningless to measure two samples 78 minutes apart. I could perhaps even dig in and look at the blocks in that timespan and find a sequence where the NW size go up , it wobbles up and down all the time.
baseTarget is right now 2811701
As long as we don't get a 51% attack, a low network size will lure in new miners, and once they have plottetd they are likely to stay as buying the HD and plotting is the expensive part. When that is done, you can just as well mine, running costs are neglible.
We should not concern us about network size, we should concern us about ( as we agree ) figuring out usecases for people to use burst. We have one - store of value... i think people get that, although bitladen destroyed some confidence and induced a crash, there are others, use for trading goods, use blockchain for decentralized trading and lots more.
The bitladen portion of the PBs is a bit on the large side, so me and hopefully lots of other miners will be increasing our TBs to compensate. When we feel safe again, network size will probably stay where it is, to wait for price to catch up.