Ok the marketplace modification could change something but we definitely need more promotion. In fact I believe right now we need more investors that would hold for the long term.
I see that we are on bittrex, perhaps if you guys know any bittrex traders who would pick this up. There are many whales that do pickup smaller altcoins. That would be a good boost of 20-30 bitcoins to us.
Then we can perhaps become listed in other exchanges to get more investors. As soon as the new investors would join, the miners would like that and start uppgrading , and the network would become stable again.
We probably need to open a thread in the ALTCOIN DISCUSSION sector, or in the PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, to gather some volunteers that can help you with your struggles crowetic.
So my view is this:
1) new volunteers to help work on this/ promote / marketing etc
2) more long term investors , or traders to add liquidity
3) the marketplace patch
4) signature campaign
5) more assets, that would give intrinsic value to BURST
my apologies, you actually don't sound like an idiot. it's just mostly everybody on this thread does. so it kinda grew into a habbit.
your points do have value, but I see some technical problems with them
1) ?? I think we kind of ran out of volunteers. my view is that being a coin, we should consider paying for stuff
2) that's actually possible, if the price drops to maybe 10 sat. but then you have a mining problem, more miners would quit at that price leaving the network wide open to 51% attacks. Yes I know nobody usually cares about network security, but I do have 2PB, I will demonstrate 51% as soon as it becomes possible for me.
3) alright... but i still think it needs a financial incentive. i for one do not believe in volunteering
4) i have doubts about about the effectiveness. this kind of approach is what burst always had since beginning, to no effect.
5) yes, but once again, keep in mind there needs to be a financial incentive
Now I really have to go, I wasn't kidding. But I wanted to apologize.
PS: I do have 30 btc, and at this price there's no way I'm buying, I actually pulled the 4.35 buy I had @22 (or around there, don't remember the exact value). I'm not exactly a whale. Then again you expecting a whale to buy, implies deceit. Which kinda implies luck. Which is why I'm not a fan of deceitful tactics.