PetaByte will payout in May, because I had to move, ...
Nothing get lost, just delayed.
Elmit, how about COMMUNICATING this ? Before it happens.
I see, the 2.7 Petabyte assets bought for ~416k Burst (~165 USD on March 17th, ~124 USD today) are not that much, I'll get over it.
But with all the fuss _you_ were making about that ByteEnterprise Asset this doesn't look proper.
The stats pages you announced on :'t work. There is no transparency, I cannot check anything about your asset's performance.
And if you spend time on this site to post a pool comparison and engage in, aehem, whatever that was, you could at least read and answer your Burst message inbox. I can not even communicate with you, you ignore me.
Should I see myself as an investor, "business partner", client of yours ?
Then I'm disappointed, up to the point where I want my 416k Burst back - sale offer is up, don't talk, act.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but not only I had to move, I lost also my private home page, where this statistics have been on due a hard disk failure. I have also to re-program the entire accounting again. Fortunately I backed up my keys, so nothing got lost. I could also not login to many sites, including here.
I do my best to get it up again soon.
Regarding pool comparison, I am checking my - and other - pools all the time and and had really a good time to see that all is working fine. And I really learned a lot of the other assets, which I will most likely not follow. I learned about statistics, how to see it and how it is advertised, ... short a lots I learned.
I see an investor also a business partner, but sure not as a client.
You can sell your asset anytime to anybody you like. That is what the asset exchange page is for. There is no buy-back option, since also the shop does not give me this for the hard disks.