i dont know if it is a good way how are you communicate with blago.
i hope he stands over it and uses your hints to bring us all ahead.
btw. i have to say blago is making here a great job and without him, the mining wasnt were it is today!
blago is a complete noob, but I kinda like the guy, he reminds me of myself when I was 12 y.o.
Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt...
I think it's ok to discuss technical details on the forum, to keep ourselves entertained
i'm agree, it's ok. ( *pass fixed too
ok, I take it you don't want to compile it optimized
I can tell you how to do that too
and seriously, are you 12 or not? by best guess is 12
but if you're more like 21, then I have bad news for you
ok here is some more funny stuff from your code:
if (p[strlen(p)] != '\\') strcat(p, "\\"); // Дoбaвляeм "\" ecли нe yкaзaн в пyти
ne ukazan my ass, p[strlen(p)] is always '\0'. unless of course, you somehow corrupted p, like you corrupt everything, but then it will still be either 0 or you get page fault.
btw, shouldn't you calloc an extra byte for the "\\" ?
now just on the funny side:
path; // ROTFL dude!
ok, make up your mind using c++, or c? the point of using templates is to put some objects in them, like std::string , so you don't have to manually malloc and free. make sense?
std::vector path;
then just
you do path.clear() to free the char *'s in the vector. sorry, it won't do that you're just leaking memory.
you'll be surprised to see that std::string overloads +, = and [] operators, you might find that to your liking