-[BURST.GA POOL ANNOUNCEMENT and BETA TESTERs NEEDED for NEW POOL CODE!! PM ME! (I put this all here for people who don't like to read...)]-Hello everyone!This is the announcement of the new pool code coming into function on the burst network. I have hired a fantastic developer with the nick of 'catbref' who has been amazing. He has whipped up a completely new pool code from the ground up, not only for me, because I requested it, but also for the miners of BURST, to give them more variety and choices of where to mine, and settings. It will be great!
So, what we need from you now, is this!!1.
I am going to need a group of beta testers. This group of beta testers will be the closed beta group for the second pool server, which will eventually be turned into burst.ga's EU pool cousin. This group will have direct access to tell the dev what they would like to see, any issues, and ideas for improvement, or whatever they want to suggest!
2. The beta testers will need to have an account at
www.burstforum.com as that is where the conversation about the beta test will go down. So, what you will need to do, if you don't have an account at burstforum already, and you want to get involved in the closed beta, go make an account there, and let me know your account name when you PM me to let me know you want to be part of the beta group.
3. That's pretty much it for the beta test group, just send me a PM and let me know that you'd like to be part of the closed beta group, and I will provide you with the server IP and reward assignment account for the pool once the closed beta is starting.
The future of http://burst.ga and ByteEnterprises pools(ByteEnterprises is what Irontiga and I call our venture, in case you weren't aware of that. We have a really great team of people working with us, and we will give you more information on ByteEnterprises once we do the asset changes and things that are going down right now in the background.)
1. burst.ga, as it is currently, will cease (in favor of new code). Once the new code is up and running, and we've gone from closed beta to open beta, and everything seems to be working as it should, we will be shutting the server for burst.ga down, updating the code, and putting it back up as the new coded pool, it will be the US burst.ga pool, just as it is now, but with the new code.
2. We will be doing the closed beta of the new code.
3. We will move the closed beta into an open beta. The open beta server will be an EU dedicated server.
4. Once we have finished all of our beta testing, we will be moving all pools to the new code, (well, both, not 'all',) and running happily off into the sunset.
So, another thing I want everyone to know...
BURST for the win!
Sorry, not just that, but also...
we will have more stats, more features, and more awesomeness than other pools. We will be setting up the two pools to work better for different sized miners, with more stats for them and super badass awesomeness.
The new code can already estimate the "hashpower" AKA size of a miner, and divides the shares in a sweet visual aspect, and I'm sure everyone will enjoy the capabilities of the new code.
Also, my closed beta testers will have access to the developer directly in the convo that I will start on burstforum, and they will be able to make suggestions of changes, additions, etc. As well as give their experience on the pool, and what they think were issues. So we can work together with the dev to fix everything and take care of any issues.
Thanks and happy new year to all! 2015, the YEAR OF BURST!