When I run Blago's miner I get this error:
"The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling to fix this problem."
There is a file in the blago folder called msvcr100d.dll though.
Any help is much appreciated, I haven't used blago's miner before.
install visual studio 2010 runtime. x86 and x64
Thanks for the input, I am making some headway.
However, now I am getting a windows error after the miner starts:
"miner.exe has stopped working"
>Check online for a solution and close the program
>Close the program
>Debug the program
Anyone have any advice on this?
EDIT: Additional error info below:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: miner.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 547aee19
Fault Module Name: MSVCR120D.dll
Fault Module Version: 12.0.21005.1
Fault Module Timestamp: 524f8403
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00000000000c422f
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 48c3
Additional Information 2: 48c3a303eecd1400b08533e0f1849e57
Additional Information 3: be7b
Additional Information 4: be7be57bf531e8777f1f990b3e689606
EDIT 2: Most recent log file from Blago folder:
13:15:45 Miner path: M:\BURST MINING\MINER\Blago Miner\
13:15:45 Loading config M:\BURST MINING\MINER\Blago Miner\miner.conf
13:15:45 Mode: 0
13:15:45 Server: localhost
13:15:45 Port: 8125
13:15:45 Paths: 9
13:15:45 Path: D:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: E:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: F:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: G:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: H:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: I:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: J:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: K:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Path: L:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 CacheSize: 200000
13:15:45 UseSorting: 1
13:15:45 ShowMsg: 0
13:15:45 ShowUpdates: 0
13:15:45 SendInterval: 100
13:15:45 UpdateInterval: 2000
13:15:45 UseFastRcv: 1
13:15:45 Debug: 0
13:15:45 Updater address: localhost
13:15:45 Updater port: 8125
13:15:45 EnableProxy: 0
13:15:45 ProxyPort: 8126
13:15:45 Generator: 0
13:15:45 SendBestOnly: 1
13:15:45 Config loaded
13:15:45 Searching servers...
13:15:45 Address: localhost defined as:
13:15:45 Address: localhost defined as:
13:15:45 Update mining info
13:15:45 Updater thread started
13:15:45 *Connecting to server:
13:15:45 *Sent to server: POST /burst?requestType=getMiningInfo HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n
13:15:45 *Received from server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:15:45 GMT\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: 156\r\nServer: Jetty(9.2.3.v20140905)\r\n\r\n{"requestProcessingTime":0,"baseTarget":"1935436","height":"45864","generationSignature":"7e02c2c74b1f3eb39a2bcee459a22dc3efcbe393eaa747567d8f824743f6a795"}
13:15:45 *Count packets of response: 1
13:15:45 ------------------------ New block: 45864
13:15:45 targetDeadline not found, targetDeadline: 4294967295
13:15:45 Start thread #0 with parameter: D:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Start thread #1 with parameter: E:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Start thread #2 with parameter: F:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_0_300000_10000
13:15:45 Start thread #3 with parameter: G:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_11952009_12096000_24000
13:15:45 Start thread #4 with parameter: H:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Read file:
13:15:45 Start thread #
13:15:45 Read file: 5
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000 with parameter: I:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\1441253462855357247_45324014_7506000_18000
13:15:45 Start thread #1441253462855357247_60318016_7488000_180006 with parameter: J:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Start thread #7 with parameter: K:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Start thread #8 with parameter: L:\BURST MINING\PLOTTER\plots\
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_75366018_7560000_18000
13:15:45 Read file:
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_90396020_7200000_180001441253462855357247_101682022_5580000
13:15:45 Read file: 1441253462855357247_112932024_11142000_18000
13:15:45 found deadline=957025463 nonce=2704364 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=1152293762 nonce=796 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_0_300000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=3113598909 nonce=2705449 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=2709787369 nonce=2706621 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=2428550984 nonce=3048 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_0_300000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=917085111 nonce=2708061 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=616229542 nonce=2708207 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=1233036576 nonce=2708452 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=2688093300 nonce=2708649 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_2704005_200000_10000
13:15:45 found deadline=3628302682 nonce=5691 for account: 1441253462855357247 file: 1441253462855357247_0_300000_10000
13:15:45 Sender: Sent to server: