What is the point of Burst if the hard drive space of the network can't be utilized? I see no mention of any development in regards to actually utilizing the storage space on the network for file storage etc.. on your website or forums.
Why not? It seems like this is the most obvious use for Burstcoin, and without being able to use the HD space then this is pretty much a clone coin with a different consensus algorithm.
For a consensus algorithm to work, you have to force some kind of commitment of economic resources to solution of a randomized problem. It may be possible to force solutions to useful stochastic algorithms, but it's tricky. The only viable coin I know of which even sort of does this is Primecoin, but as bitcoin shows, you don't need the consensus algorithm to be independently useful for the coin to be useful.
The burst consensus algorithm is much less energy-intensive than bitcoins, though. This means that once a hard drive is committed to the burst network (a significant upfront cost), the marginal cost to keep it participating in the consensus is much lower than for bitcoin. This means that transactions are always going to be cheaper in burst than they are in bitcoin, especially once the mining rewards run out, and that financial coordination of resources is always going to be more efficient in burst than in bitcoin. Of course, proof of share consensus is even cheaper, but distribution of wealth means that PoS and even PoW will probably never be as democratic as proof of capacity (it's hard to see how there could be orders-of-magnitude efficiency gains in specialized hardware for burst mining, though I could be wrong), and this is why burst is exciting even though it's a "clone" of NXT, which is PoS and 100% premined. The democratic nature of burst's consensus algorithm is not just ideologically appealing, either. It means responsibility for the consensus is spread much more uniformly across a much broader audience, making collusive corruption much harder to pull off.
So no, I would say that the consensus algorithm alone makes this more than just another "clone coin." In fact, being a "clone" of NXT is a huge advantage, because the NXT premine is funding all sorts of cool development, which Burst can fold in relatively easily while at the same time providing much more trustworthy security for its blockchain. And that's not to say there aren't cool things being independently developed for burst. There are.