Huh, after couple hours of testing and stuff I finally got miner working. However, still got some questions - here they come:
I'm running miner on 2TB partition - 2 threads cpu and 4gb ram. My plot generator config looks like this (found on previous pages):
C:\Windows\System32\java.exe -Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate my_account 0 81920 1000 2
C:\Windows\System32\java.exe -Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate my_account 81921 81920 1000 2
C:\Windows\System32\java.exe -Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate my_account 163842 81920 1000 2
C:\Windows\System32\java.exe -Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate my_account 245763 81920 1000 2
It produces plot files of ~20 gb in size. Can I make any changes to make it more efficient? Or is it already running as supposed?
What happens when all 4 files are created and config says "pause"? I assume it will stop generating plots. What then? IS it time for miner to finally solve those plots? How will I know if miner solved everything there was to be solved? What to do once its done? Erase those plot files and start over again?