Hiya folks...
I'm a *NIX engineer out here in burstcoin-land, and recently had several empty disks to plot... Not wanting to plot one BIG file on each disk, and wanting to "set it and forget it" until each disk is done plotting, I thus set about writing a little solution for myself... (I'm not sure if smaller files are faster or slower than bigger ones to read/process in PoC mining, but it's MUCH easier to move a 50G file to a different disk than a terabyte file)
Sooo, I came up with a Linux shell script (bash) to plot a hard drive to X percentage of it's capacity using dcct's plotter. (So, dcct's tools are obviously required for this to work)
This includes variables (settings) for the percentage of the disk to fill to, number of nonces in each plot file, the amount of memory to use while plotting, and the number of threads to run, and runs a health-check on each plot file as it's finished.
Just thought I'd throw it out there, and if you find this useful, please feel free to drop me a few coins!
Anyway, here's a link to the script...
http://www.netspecto.com/downloads/burst_plot.shHappy plotting!