you both are giving your harddrives a run for the money
10976174530077743023_507843_4507843_8191: Number of nonces (4507843) is not a multiple of stagger size (8191)
No overlapping nonces
0 nonces overlap (0 KB)
4507843 nonces total (1100 GB)
550 disk seeks per Scoop (4.4 seconds @ 8ms)
4651495086655359966_19532000_307999_1000: Number of nonces (307999) is not a multiple of stagger size (1000)
No overlapping nonces
0 nonces overlap (0 KB)
307999 nonces total (75 GB)
307 disk seeks per Scoop (2.4 seconds @ 8ms)
You missed my point... look at the disk reads per scoop needed with that settings.
Couple of posts back I`ve posted some comparative result with diff. settings.. have a look.
place the merge.exe and the below in a .bat file, outside of your plots folder
@for /r . %%g in (*_4096) do (
..\merge.exe %%~nxg
del %%~nxg
timeout /t 10
replace 4096 value with your stagger size
Yes, is for Windows. No, it`s just a filter. The merge utility takes only one argument, the filename.