1) Anon, any ETA forma multipool release?
2) BurstCoin dev, any ETA for GPU plotter?
Thank you alla!
We should pause the development of the GPU plotter
what about stopping completely and focus on other development ?
Exactly. Why would you want to make it easier and faster for the mining process to be abused? Leave it be - if someone else makes one down the line fair enough, but don't make one voluntarily.
GPU plotter will be an easy opportunity for the large farms to dump the coin , no need to make things easier for them.
a gpu plotter helps only small miners cause they do'nt have the compute power a farm has.
instead of 15 days plotting a farm starting at 1 pb it may only require 2-5 days at much additional worthless hardware costs for the gpus.
so anyone who does'nt want a working gpu plotter simply fears that his own plots become less worth compared to new small miners.
The entire idea is to stop farms. And those 10 days extra can mean a lot for some of us. GPU plotting will speed up diff. increase. There is no question about it.
I am not saying this in fear, I have an acceptable GPU to plot on.