No hidden agenda basic idea
1) re brief the current tasks by members.
2) task and mission re- appointment. Dev and Security ( definitely unchanged ) PR, Communication, Marketing, General administrator etc
3) recruit volunteering advisors, supports, regional interpretors etc.
Once we put this together, in place, there will be no duplicate performed task or ignored areas. Coin2 will running like a non profit organisation in well manage manner and be ready for the Next stage.
Glen, would be nice if you could sacrifice a bit of time, be there for us all
Not sure I could offer too much expertise lol, but I'll be there. Everytime I think of offering suggestions I imagine the dev team rolling their eyes as they're probably already working on things I'm mentioning. I also understand we have just been through a nightmare and the team have a lot on their plate. I by no means expect all this to be done today but...
I think in the first instance it's important to get a site up quickly with contact information for each member of the team and a short description of their duties.
There needs to be an idea about how to respond to new enquiries about the following (not an exhaustive list):
PR contacts, advertising, joint ventures, game development, investor information, security concerns, legal.
With the game half way done a lot of this non sensitive information should be available already in a user friendly format, to anyone, at anytime.
Along with a detailed plan for press releases, SEO and internet strategy, advertising and brand awareness. (probably already being worked on)
Also, where would any extra revenue from spin-offs go? In game advertising, advertising on the main site, merchandising etc.
Who is actually in charge? Who has the final say on all decisions? Have any or will any legal contracts be drawn up between the board members?
Without structure it's all shits and giggles. All this boring stuff kind of goes against the ethos of crypto but get this stuff right and it's not just a crypto currency or a game.
It's a new paradigm.