On a separate note, has anyone had success building the new wallet from source? For Linux, following the build-unix.txt in the repo leads to an error
Any linux folks successfully build wallet yet?
go to coin2.0 root directory and type command qmake. It creates Makefile. Then type make -j8 (or whatever concurrency you prefer).
If no qmake command, maybe qmake-qt4 or qmake-qt5.
Linux users can ignore all mingw crap.
I appreciate your help. Still received an error after running the below:
$ qmake-qt4
$ make -j8
src/net.cpp:19:22: fatal error: miniwget.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [build/net.o] Error 1
Afterwards I get errors when trying to run the daemon.
$ ./coin2.0d
./coin2.0d: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.48.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I'm actually just trying to build the daemon (coin2.0d) because I prefer to keep my wallets on a private linux box that I ssh in to. Typically this is done by just running the makefile.* inside the src folder for whatever platform you're on. Seems there are still some steps missing for just building the daemon.