And try spreading your hashrate, catcoin pool is having like 95% of the hashrate. This is no issue with a hybrid PoW/PoS coin though, but you can show better!
True. Catcoin pool does have a slight advantage though, by paying out earlier that what the coin allows - you can't send mined coins before they are 520 blocks old, while the pool can pay them out earlier, after just 90 blocks. Technically you get paid earlier from the pool's own coin buffer.
That allowed the pool to sort of survive with some miners when the hashrate was dominated many moths by dedicatedpool - they had 90%, Catcoin pool had 5%, other pools combined had 5% too. Adding the early payment feature helped to gain some miners back. Unfortunately now when dedicatedpool and other pools died out, this brings sort of a slight barrier for creating a fully competitive pool (if you intend to hold the "only 90 blocks until payment" promise while having for example 25% of the hashrate, you'll need about 4000 extra CACH in the pool wallet for the buffer to work as expected, although you can start with some very small initial buffer, like me, and then add more CACH gradually as the pool grows).
Well, Catcoin pool was not been able to keep the payment after 90 blocks at all the times - at some times with too much hashrate and too little extra CACH in the buffer, the pool auto-adjusted the early payment to more blocks (sometimes around 300 blocks) to keep the system fully stable, so that even in case all the miners would decide to withdraw all their coins at once, there would be enough matured coins to pay everybody without any waiting.
Adding similar feature to MPOS or any other pool is quite simple and with current prices, buying some initial buffer for a small pool is still not that big an investment, although setting up a pool does require some skills to do it well - you need at least some knowledge of Linux administration, monitoring, and if you want to add some features like early payment, you need to know about programming too.
But as CACH will get more popular, I guess more pools will pop in, so there would be a nice selection to choose from (now there are only 2 pools I know of... one of them is the Catcoin pool).