Why does this coin sync at 100 block/day or something silly like that? Is there a fix?
What do you mean? The blocks should average out at about 1 per minute, or 1440 per day.
And another while I slept.
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZ7yCZQQU27fAkFUv2vXw1FuN2xP
PrivkeyPart: Lmxkm6xm9Udzz1MyGaSyNKujymwqBbsJYkLm1szSFSRMmBcF1QkL
UID: 4137
Thank you.
no many btc wallet.
What do you mean? At least smooth used a sentence in his post. CLAM isn't BTC. CLAM wallets are not BTC wallets. What were you hoping for?
Ahaha I warned you!
It's crashing like hell!!! SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!
The price last I saw was 0.00134994 BTC/CLAM. That's about double where it was at a month ago. Ahaha. Etc.
This is strange. Why can't I quote posts from this thread? Never had that problem before. It says:
The post you are trying to quote either does not exist, was deleted, or is no longer viewable by you.
I have been here for years and have never had this problem.
I think you probably tried to reply to a post that was deleted between you viewing the thread and hitting 'quote'.
Hello! This took more than I expected but here it is:
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZJqc5ym5Yyfup6pGTu6wJUae6x9
PrivkeyPart: LnvuaquFuLzedTJkRdbxphiNX39yLUAUgtkC3vF2c2Vuqdq92j3P
Let me know if you need anything else.
UID: 1820992
Thanks! The reward per address has dropped to roughly zero by now.
23:41:47 INFO: sent 0.1 CLAM to (1820992)
Found another.
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZbv9gzE6qrmDucY2gHV4vBX4rFr
PrivkeyPart: Lgpt9vSp4RM8Vs5bUc7vRrVGzMx6mnW354QVbWVPDXqxnbZNd5tW
UID: 4137
How many of these are there?
There are huge numbers of them. But each one is worth half as much as the previous one. I'll pay 0.1 CLAM per address from now on which is more than I promised but probably less than it costs you in power...
Found four more while at work today. These things appear with quite a temporal variation. And they are all different in their own way.
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZduvWYff38mxFMyk9Ki95YVhq7Y
PrivkeyPart: LhoxMSXoDUBUU1UfSaELmHrwJrKEwbiGLK4qpRhUB6rZA586wtH1
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZq9egdLiG9pu7QDtiAn1diCG18m
PrivkeyPart: Lj9bLPLc8hLp1ttjCdsBWjxNqXUpwjHi6eGMesbKmY7GTC1DSr5F
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
PrivkeyPart: LpeP9BcLqSLgXbbchCFkzg695ND2u8sv3C92rApRgaJK2mZEdNFG
Pattern: xJDCLAMZ
Address: xJDCLAMZ7XratB7jhThxPeyej2Y5W65Qex
PrivkeyPart: Lh8vv6QAopskTrmbTypcHRuZKMGFpxuYJSkmjbVUY269TL9n4vxT
UID: 4137
I'll give you 0.1 CLAM per address:
23:41:20 INFO: sent 0.6 CLAM to (4137) [[xJDCLAMZ], [xJDCLAMZ], [xJDCLAMZ], [xJDCLAMZ], [xJDCLAMZ], [xJDCLAMZ]]