So, how do i go about claiming my clams with private keys? not clear from OP.
The easiest way is to import your whole BTC/LTC/DOGE wallet.dat into the CLAM client. It will add all the private keys into its own wallet and scan the blockchain for distribution CLAMs.
Alternatively, if you have specific private keys in WIF format, you can "importpriv" in the CLAM client debug console.
As a third alternative, you can use the chat tab to check addresses for CLAM (/dig ADDRESS) and to claim any CLAMs it locates (/dig ADDRESS PRIVKEY). That involves sending your private key to a remote server, so make sure the address is empty and retired from use before doing that.
Oh, and finally, you can use an the CLAM client on an offline machine (without even a copy of the blockchain) to sign a transaction with your private key. Then you don't have to trust the CLAM client or The Just-Dice chat tab can give you a command to run on the offline machine. For example, I type:
/dig 1CrPRwBkwZdEejXusCbh8o35YMN7g7ffKf offline
and it tells me:
02:14:34 INFO: run the following on an offline Linux machine, then broadcast the resulting hex value using INFO: the addr= part tells it where to send your CLAMs; the default is your Just-Dice deposit address
02:14:34 INFO: when prompted, type your private key:
02:14:34 INFO: echo -n "privkey: "; read privkey; addr=xMYvd61airRrnSUmV2oE1JhEqvzLdFWP7r; val=4.60535574; txid=b45c2a20731f8a88ba980f9cc9ce1d43cd7913d9c26ee3e8002ba1d08676b3de; vout=0; pubkey=76a91482007d41eec3a28b66b1ba726721d95577eb5a7688ac; output='"txid":"'$txid'","vout":'$vout; clamd signrawtransaction $(clamd createrawtransaction '[{'$output'}]' '{"'$addr'":'$val'}') '[{'$output',"scriptPubKey":"'$pubkey'"}]' '["'$privkey'"]'