Can we know how many CLAM have been claimed relative to the total (potential) supply?
"moneysupply" : 15146899.13048927,
"digsupply" : 317467.88052542,
"stakesupply" : 372497.72641731,
"activesupply" : 689965.60694273,
So 317,467 have been dug from the initial distribution. 372,497 have been staked. The total active supply is 689,965.
Assuming you are using the QT client, you can get this info in real-time by opening a debug window and entering "getinfo".
And if you aren't, you can go to and type /supply in the chat box. It will tell you lots of information. The part in bold is what you are asking for:
09:44:17 INFO: 68,934 of 3,208,032 sets of 4.60545574 CLAM were dug up so far from the initial distribution
09:44:17 INFO: 317,472 CLAM were dug up and 372,772 CLAM were staked for a total of 690,244 CLAM
09:44:17 INFO: Just-Dice's onsite bankroll of 504,953 CLAM represents 73.16% of that amount
09:44:17 INFO: if all the distributed CLAMs were dug up, the total money supply would be 15,147,173 CLAM
09:44:17 INFO: the total bankroll of 24,521,811 CLAM is made up of 504,953 CLAM onsite and 24,016,858 CLAM offsite
09:44:17 INFO: the average multiplier (total / onsite) is 48.56x
Edit: note how in the 4 hours since Garth posted his numbers the "digsupply" has gone up by about 5 (the JD numbers are rounded) - a single distribution output was claimed in the last 4 hours.