I just noticed you don't display the "CLAMspeech" data that is part of each transaction, and also don't seem to show unconfirmed transactions. Neither is a big deal, but both would be useful additions.
The thing is, and this applies to some of your other suggestions also, the explorer is designed to be useable with a number of different coins. As such some of the unique features for a particular coin are not taken into consideration at this stage. I know thats not a perfect solution, bit of a 'fox of all, master of none' situation.
Edit: one other wrinkle maybe worth noting is that the "money supply" is kind of weird for CLAM. Millions of addresses were given 4.6 CLAM each in the initial distribution, and most of them have never transacted since. While those are part of the money supply in some sense it's probably more interesting to only consider coins that have at some point been active.
The "getinfo" RPC call includes these lines:
"moneysupply" : 15145821.13048927,
"digsupply" : 317403.40414506,
"stakesupply" : 371419.72641731,
"activesupply" : 688823.13056237,
"activesupply" is the sum of "digsupply" (all the 4.6 CLAM initial distribution amounts that have ever moved) and "stakesupply" (all the coins created by staking blocks), and is probably a more interesting statistic to use.
I have now added the burn address which is then taken into consideration when showing the total number of available coins. You can now see 'Spendable Coin Supply'.
I have had a similar discussion with the Sapience community in terms of showing the burn address. My view is that the explorer is simply showing what it sees in the client, without manipulating it too much. I think noting the burn address and number of coins that are not in circulation to be relevant. Again, its somewhat of a one size fits all system, with the possibility to change in the future.
Edit2: and since I'm picking nits, it would be useful if the "Summary ... Block Height 475772" on the front page was a link to the latest block. Currently I have to scroll down to the block list before I see any links at all.
Edit3: I hope all this is seen as useful rather than as bitching... but I'd like to be able to click through a chain of transactions. Currently when viewing a transaction the inputs and outputs link to /address/ pages, but it would be more useful to have them link to the pages for the individual transactions they came from / went to. If that was done, there would be no need to show the full txid in text next to each input, since we could just copy the destination URL if we wanted that information, and the page would then fit on my screen without sideways scrolling (some txids take more horizontal space than others, and the longer ones make the whole page a little wider than my screen).
No, I am happy to hear suggestions / constructive criticism.
I have now made transactions clickable (linked) for inputs on a transaction page. Obviously this is only relevant for inputs though, as outputs are part of the transaction being viewed.
Would be interested to know what browser and screen size you are using that is causing the txids on the transaction page to push right. In theory, unless on a very small screen, like a phone or something, the design should be responsive and not push right (at least on all my screen it does not push right).
Edit4: The rich-list lists the official burn address (xCLAMBURNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1HaxZH) as being the 2nd richest address. The client considers coins at that address to be burned, and doesn't include them in the moneysupply. See src/main.cpp:
// check for burned coins (sent to xCLAMBURNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1HaxZH)
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
if (HexStr(txout.scriptPubKey.begin(), txout.scriptPubKey.end()) == "76a9142c2a57256197df6a1c7d6f14daccf4c3dcf4de4288ac") {
LogPrintf("BURN: %s\n", FormatMoney(txout.nValue));
nValueBurned += txout.nValue;
It would be better not to show that address in the rich-list. They are coins that were left over after the developers did the initial distribution. The address is clearly one that was made up without anyone knowing the private key.
Hmm, upon re-reading your edit 4 I realise that I cannot use my usual system to show 'Spendable Coin Supply' as the client already removes the burnt coins from the coinsupply value (so have reversed that change). Usually if there are burnt coins like with Sapience (
http://www.blocktree.io/e/XAI) the system deducts the burn address coins from the money supply, and then on the rich list the burnt coins are shown but without a percentage of total supply and labeled as burn coins. I will have a think about how this can be changed to accommodate the Clam situation better - it really only affects the rich list at the moment though as the client already takes into consideration the burnt coins in the 'moneysupply' value. I am flat out at the moment on another project but when I get some time will find a solution to this.
And lastly, thank you for the generous donation