If anyone stakes a lottery block over 0.1 post in the forum here!
i don't see any way of telling whether my stake was over 0.1 or not, because the excess could be due to transaction fees.
But the first block I staked this evening when I got home appears to be a lottery block over 0.1:
One thing I'm confused about: it used to be that most blocks I staked gave me around 0.00015000 clam, but now the minimum reward is 0.10000000, which is about 700 times bigger. So how does the change not increase inflation?
Edit: it looks like *only* the first block I mined this evening has more than the minimum 0.1 rewards - all the extras are transaction fees.
http://khashier.com:2750/block/d3e163be7ecb84fe387ad34b1f3a6e59604e263ab7875136f1a447503b18a95c which shows I got 0.10000116 instead of the usual 0.01000000!
I'm such a lottery winner!
LoL, Winner Winner, CLAMicken Dinner!
Okay, not 'huge', but a special block none-the-less
The target of the network at launch was to hit ~1% yearly inflation based on the total money supply.
Of coarse, CLAMS is odd in that the total money supply is unknown.
If you assume that the majority of CLAMS are claimed at some unknown time in the future (Less non-retrievable coins of coarse), then the claiming of the coins would not be considered inflation -> they already exist on the chain and can be claimed at any given moment. This isn't accurate.
If you assume they will not be claimed, then the act of claiming the coins itself is a sort of inflation. This isn't accurate either.
So which do you go with?
If you choose to not count the un-claimed coins, then estimates of "inflation" are entirely useless. Many people claiming, or a large service claiming (such as Poloniex's giveaway) would entirely destroy any attempt at an estimate.
If you choose to count un-claimed coins, under the logic that they exist and could enter the system at any moment, then you greatly under estimate yearly inflation.
Frankly, it is a very difficult question; and there isn't really any "prior art" or standard way of dealing with it that we are aware of.
I am choosing to speak of it as if the CLAMS on chain are CLAMS in existence, because they can enter the money supply at any moment, and that is the only solid immovable reference point from which to function.
So, if you don't count CLAMS possible; you're yearly inflation numbers will be much higher than ~1%.
But then, you would also have to count every CLAM claimed as inflation - which we haven't established a way of getting a peg on yet.
In addition, the reward would become woefully inadequate to sustain the network, requiring another hard-fork immediately, with even a moderate spike in popularity (causing another wave of folks to "claim").