Can someone explain the Enigma stats in the Phoenix wallet, I have a lot of requests that expired..why do they expire? some clarification would be appreciated. Thank you
Hi BitWhat
The 'expired' count shows when you have accepted an Enigma request (as a cloaker) but you were not used for cloaking. This happens when more Enigma nodes (users) than are needed agree to help to cloak a send. This could probably be improved a bit for the future and it's something we're looking into.
Here's what the different numbers relate to:
Accepted - How many Enigma requests you've said 'yes' to cloaking.
Signed - How many accepted Enigma requests you've signed.
Rejected - How many Enigma requests you've rejected due to bad data from the sender or the Enigma timeout expiring before the request completed.
Completed - How many signed Enigma requests have completed and created Enigma transactions.
Hope this clears things up for you.