Please test and if working add it to the FAQ to get more nodes!
Have Fun
This is a easy guide for how to run a CloakCoin command-line node on a headless linux VPS or other Linux Servers.
#Create config directory in your Home folder
mkdir /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin
#switch to the directory and download newest Blockchain for faster sync
cd /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin
#Create .CloakCoin.conf file with rpcusername and password
nano /home/USERNAME/.CloakCoin/CloakCoin.conf
#save this file and exit
#Create a folder for your CloakCoin Daemon and download this new Wallet
mkdir /home/USERNAME/cloakcoin
cd /home/USERNAME/cloakcoin
rm -r
#Start Daemon
cd CloakCoin_v2.0.1.0.phoenix_linux_x64_bundle
chmod +x cloakcoind
./cloakcoind -upn -daemon
#now you can check your running processes with "top" - you should see a process named "Cloakcoin-start"
#see the help for all cloakcoind commands
./cloakcoind help
#to start supporting the ENIGMA Network you need some CloakCoins in your Wallet. You Need to generate a Address:
./cloakcoind getnewaddress
#Copy the new generated Address and link it to an Account - the Account Name can be random set:
./cloakcoind setaccount
#For security reasons you should encrypt your wallet with a secure password:
./cloakcoind walletpassphrasechange
#Now you are ready to receive coins bought on an exchange:
./cloakcoind getaccountaddress --> send coins to this address
#Remeber to backup your wallet after every new address you generated:
./cloakcoind backupwallet
#you can check the current connections state to the cloakcoin network:
./cloakcoind getinfo
#If you send some coins to your wallet you can check the history of transactions:
./cloakcoind listtransactions [account]
#if you like you can also start minting(mining) some coins after you have a positve balance in your wallet (Higher CPU load):
./cloakcoind walletpassphrase